Stretch Mark
Our skin tissue is elastic in nature and if overstretched it leaves the stretch marks behind which are quite unpleasant.
Both men and women can get them and it is simply a misconception that can only result due to the rapid growth of the skin muscles as in puberty or in pregnancy.
Hormonal changes during puberty can also be the reason for the appearance.
They appear in the form of reddish brown lines, pink color lines, brown color or any in between color lines.
Usually they diminish with time but do not disappear completely.
If you are noticing the similar lines or the stretch marks on certain areas of your body, then there is no need to worry as you are not alone.
There are several men and women who because of several reasons can get the stretch marks.
For example, these are clearly evident in pregnant women around the belly region.
This is because of the rapid growth of muscles of that region during that period.
Not only this but they can appear even on the buttocks, thighs, breasts and back regions, as these muscles are also associated with rapid growth during pregnancy.
The more you lose or gain weight, they can be there on your body.
Most bodybuilders are prone to getting stretch marks on their bodies; this is because of the rapid growth of muscles associated with the body building.
Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, especially in the area of large deposition of adipose or the fat tissues.
They do not pose any health risks and do not hamper the normal functioning of the body.
However, they make the skin look unpleasant and because of these stretch marks, some people refrain themselves from wearing their favorite dresses in fear that the stretch marks would be clearly visible.
Both men and women can get them and it is simply a misconception that can only result due to the rapid growth of the skin muscles as in puberty or in pregnancy.
Hormonal changes during puberty can also be the reason for the appearance.
They appear in the form of reddish brown lines, pink color lines, brown color or any in between color lines.
Usually they diminish with time but do not disappear completely.
If you are noticing the similar lines or the stretch marks on certain areas of your body, then there is no need to worry as you are not alone.
There are several men and women who because of several reasons can get the stretch marks.
For example, these are clearly evident in pregnant women around the belly region.
This is because of the rapid growth of muscles of that region during that period.
Not only this but they can appear even on the buttocks, thighs, breasts and back regions, as these muscles are also associated with rapid growth during pregnancy.
The more you lose or gain weight, they can be there on your body.
Most bodybuilders are prone to getting stretch marks on their bodies; this is because of the rapid growth of muscles associated with the body building.
Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, especially in the area of large deposition of adipose or the fat tissues.
They do not pose any health risks and do not hamper the normal functioning of the body.
However, they make the skin look unpleasant and because of these stretch marks, some people refrain themselves from wearing their favorite dresses in fear that the stretch marks would be clearly visible.