There Are Many Adhd Schools Specializing In Educating Children With ADHD
Looking for adhd schools might seem like a waste of time until you discover that there are many schools that are designed to educate children with ADHD and learning disabilities or differences around the country as well as in other parts of the world as well. When you first suspect that your child has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) it can be somewhat of a shock and you might feel a mix of emotions. You have probably heard the many negative things that are said about those with ADHD and that they are almost guaranteed to drop out of school because they cannot cope with the pressures and responsibilities placed upon them. You are likely to feel even more concerned when you learn that many, in fact the majority of kids with ADHD will not go on to receive a college degree.
These statistics are not wrong but nowadays there are resources available, providing students with this disorder with the help they need to be able to excel. It is important to understand that the child with ADHD does not have a disability! Nor do kids with learning issues. Rather these children need to be educated differently to others. You might have read or heard about the fact that it is widely accepted that Albert Einstein had what we now refer to as ADHD. While there were no diagnostic tools in Albert Einstein's day we do know that he did display or exhibit ADHD-like symptoms. If there is one thing that Albert Einstein clearly demonstrates it is that those with ADHD are not disabled. They are able to learn perfectly well or else Albert would not have become who he became or discovered the theory of relativity. And let us not forget that he also discovered the law of photoelectric effect. He was one of the greatest minds of our recent history and yet he is believed to have had ADHD. Albert Einstein was not disabled, he merely learned differently. This is why adhd schools can be so beneficial to the student diagnosed with ADHD. It helps to provide them with the additional help and support that they need in order to be able to function academically and so progress further beyond high school.
There are countless people now living with this disorder and yet they are gifted, intelligent people. Attaching a label such as calling them disabled is erroneous and oftentimes detrimental to their mental and emotional well being. This is what many adhd schools believe and their students benefit from this belief. Because of the symptoms of ADHD there are certain teaching tools and techniques that can be incorporated to help the child in their studies. Many schools are incorporating these into their curriculum however there are still children who fall behind or drop out, adding impetus to the statistics, simply because the child's teachers and the school itself are not equipped to cope with their differences. In many states across the country not even private schools have the resources necessary to handling the challenges of kids with this disorder, nor the training to do so. This has left many parents with one other option and that is a special school. Kids who graduate from schools that know how to educate and cope with ADHD children and their difficulties end up attending a regular college and even doing well. This makes a school such as this a very beneficial choice for parents and their kids.
Educating kids with ADHD/ADD is never to be viewed as anything other than a challenge, both for their teachers as well as for their parents. These kids are known to be inattentive, impulsive, very often also hyperactive, and all this prevents them from being able to focus so that they are able to learn and retain the information being taught. Unfortunately many parents discover that their child has ADD/ADHD only when the child is already enrolled at school. The child is likely to come home with bad grades and negative notes and comments from their teachers. The parent is probably going to be summoned and given a rundown of just how disruptive their child is in the classroom. Very often the child's teacher will suggest that the he or she might be ADHD and recommend having the child evaluated. On its own ADHD is not a learning disability and very often even special classes are not required. However there are times when an ADD/ADHD child needs to be taught differently and this is when it becomes feasible to consider placing them in a school geared toward properly educating kids with this disorder. If you have an ADD/ADHD child who is struggling at their current school, and if your budget permits, you might want to seriously consider sending them to a special school where they will be treated as the fully capable, intelligent people they are in reality.
These statistics are not wrong but nowadays there are resources available, providing students with this disorder with the help they need to be able to excel. It is important to understand that the child with ADHD does not have a disability! Nor do kids with learning issues. Rather these children need to be educated differently to others. You might have read or heard about the fact that it is widely accepted that Albert Einstein had what we now refer to as ADHD. While there were no diagnostic tools in Albert Einstein's day we do know that he did display or exhibit ADHD-like symptoms. If there is one thing that Albert Einstein clearly demonstrates it is that those with ADHD are not disabled. They are able to learn perfectly well or else Albert would not have become who he became or discovered the theory of relativity. And let us not forget that he also discovered the law of photoelectric effect. He was one of the greatest minds of our recent history and yet he is believed to have had ADHD. Albert Einstein was not disabled, he merely learned differently. This is why adhd schools can be so beneficial to the student diagnosed with ADHD. It helps to provide them with the additional help and support that they need in order to be able to function academically and so progress further beyond high school.
There are countless people now living with this disorder and yet they are gifted, intelligent people. Attaching a label such as calling them disabled is erroneous and oftentimes detrimental to their mental and emotional well being. This is what many adhd schools believe and their students benefit from this belief. Because of the symptoms of ADHD there are certain teaching tools and techniques that can be incorporated to help the child in their studies. Many schools are incorporating these into their curriculum however there are still children who fall behind or drop out, adding impetus to the statistics, simply because the child's teachers and the school itself are not equipped to cope with their differences. In many states across the country not even private schools have the resources necessary to handling the challenges of kids with this disorder, nor the training to do so. This has left many parents with one other option and that is a special school. Kids who graduate from schools that know how to educate and cope with ADHD children and their difficulties end up attending a regular college and even doing well. This makes a school such as this a very beneficial choice for parents and their kids.
Educating kids with ADHD/ADD is never to be viewed as anything other than a challenge, both for their teachers as well as for their parents. These kids are known to be inattentive, impulsive, very often also hyperactive, and all this prevents them from being able to focus so that they are able to learn and retain the information being taught. Unfortunately many parents discover that their child has ADD/ADHD only when the child is already enrolled at school. The child is likely to come home with bad grades and negative notes and comments from their teachers. The parent is probably going to be summoned and given a rundown of just how disruptive their child is in the classroom. Very often the child's teacher will suggest that the he or she might be ADHD and recommend having the child evaluated. On its own ADHD is not a learning disability and very often even special classes are not required. However there are times when an ADD/ADHD child needs to be taught differently and this is when it becomes feasible to consider placing them in a school geared toward properly educating kids with this disorder. If you have an ADD/ADHD child who is struggling at their current school, and if your budget permits, you might want to seriously consider sending them to a special school where they will be treated as the fully capable, intelligent people they are in reality.