How to Process Lavender
- 1). Harvest lavender just after the first few flowers blossom. Lavender usually blooms for five weeks once or twice a year, depending on the climate. The flowers are more fragile toward the end of the cycle, so harvesting earlier results in a hardier dried product. Gather the lavender on a dry day, after the morning dew has evaporated.
- 2). Cut the stems with sharp garden shears or a small sickle (the traditional tool for harvesting lavender). Because longer stems are considered ideal, cut the stalks in the leafy portion of the stem rather than right below the flower spear.
- 3). Remove discolored or damaged leaves. Shake the stems softly to dislodge any insects.
- 1). Gather enough stems to create a bundle about 1 1/2 inches thick. Tie them together loosely at the stem end with a rubber band. These bundles will be processed further once they are dry, so there is no need to arrange them perfectly at this point. Tie them tightly enough so that as they dry and shrink the stems do not fall out, but not so tightly as to cut off air circulation and prevent proper drying.
- 2). Hang the bundles to dry, flower side down, in a dark and dry place. The drying area should be shielded from direct sunlight and wind but have good air circulation to avoid rotting and molding. Depending on these conditions, drying will take several weeks.
- 3). Check the lavender in the center of the bunches, as the inner stems will take the longest to dry. The lavender will be finished drying when the stems, leaves, and flowers are stiff and no longer pliable.
- 1). Unbundle the stems when they are thoroughly dry, and spread them out. Carefully remove any debris or foreign matter that may have gotten mixed in. Also discard any damaged stems and flowers, or unwanted side shoots. The objective is to have only clean, single stems.
- 2). Gather the lavender into bundles again. Turn the stems flower-side down, and while gently holding them from the stem end, tap them very softly on a flat surface to get the buds to line up. Be very careful to avoid breaking the flowers off.
- 3). Tie the bundle together with the rubber band near the bottom, below the lower leaves.
- 4). Cut the stem ends to make them even and give a clean, finished look. The lavender bundles are now completely processed and ready for a myriad of uses, including making lavender oil.
- 1). Crush the dried lavender flowers, leaves and stems. Add them to the jar and pour in the oil. Use enough oil to completely cover the lavender, but leave 1/2 to 1 inch of free space.
- 2). Place the jar in a warm place to steep for two to three days, shaking the jar occasionally to mix the contents.
- 3). Strain the jar contents through cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer into a bowl, gently squeezing the lavender to get most of the oil out. Discard the lavender. Add new dried flowers, leaves and stems to the jar. Pour the oil back in to cover the contents and repeat the process two or three more times. Each repetition will infuse more lavender scent into the carrier oil.
- 4). Pour the finished and strained oil into a dark glass bottle for storage. The lavender oil can last up to one year when properly stored in a cool, dark area.