Energetic And Mesmerizing Northern Spain
In the play "My Fair Lady", Professor Higgins aptly remarks, that in Spain the rain is on the plains. Well let me assure you, this is just generic information and has got nothing to do with travel whatsoever.
When you are in Spain, all you see are mountains. In the most basic form, if you love mountains then Northern Spain is your place to be.
Spain is ranked as one of the most mountainous countries of Europe with the center of the city being located on a huge plateau. But for the best of the Northern Spain is the place to be. Arriving here directly from any country, the first thing that impresses any tourist are the huge range of mountains that overlooks the port and the city.
The snowcapped peaks of the Picos De Europa are surely a wonder. One is amazed every time they take a trip. This is also the most un-spoilt and wildest regions of Europe, while also being a superb walking country and a wonderful place to spot the wildlife. Next in line is Secret Spain.Wolves, bears and high soaring eagles add the sense of freedom and excitement to the spot.
Being a bigger country that it is the accent here is generally on a gentle-paced rural life. It has a bigger coast all the way from the French Border in the East to the frontier of Northern Portugal in the West. The distance measured comes approximately to 500 miles.
Galicia, Cantabria Asturias, along with the Pais Vasco popularly called Basque Country forms parts of the ingenious land of Northern Spain. The most exciting place for holiday in Northern Spain can be as follows:-
1. Paradors
These are the sumptuous hotels of Northern Spain. Located mostly in the buildings of architectural and historic interest, these are actually a range of palaces, castles, fortresses, monasteries and convents.
2. Seasides
First comes Santander, and the beach has a great feeling to it. Then you reach San Sebastian, with has eben the summer excape to the Spanish Royal Family providing it much of Victorian Feel.
3. Attractions
The Guggenheim Museum, The relics of St. James, the best collection of cave paintings of the Ice Age by Altamira area all attractions to actually look forward to. Bison, Boars, horses and deeers mainly omprise of objects for the paintings.
4. On the train
Board the Feve trains. They will take you to the coast of Bilbao to the coast of El Ferrol. The dramatic viaducts and the stunning views are heartwarming.