How to Plant Annual Seeds
- 1). Read the back of the seed packet to determine how much sunlight your annual plants will require. Most annuals require sunlight for at least six to eight hours per day, but some annuals, such as impatiens or begonias, are shade tolerant.
- 2). Spade the soil to a depth of 10 to 12 inches. Improve soil quality and drainage by spading in 3 to 4 inches of organic matter such as dry leaves or grass clippings, compost, peat moss, or decomposed manure. Add 2 pounds of balanced granular fertilizer for every 100 square feet of planting space.
- 3). Rake out any roots, stones or large dirt clods. Level and smooth the soil with the back of the rake.
- 4). Create shallow trenches with the corner of a hoe. Scatter the annual seeds in the rows. Cover the seeds with a light dusting of soil. The soil covering should be no deeper than two to three times the diameter of the seed. Alternatively, scatter the seeds directly on the surface of the soil rather than planting them in rows.
- 5). Water the seeds, using a garden hose and a spray nozzle with a mist setting. Water the area very lightly and be careful not to wash away the seeds. Continue to mist the area until the seeds germinate. After that time, allow the top of the soil to dry out between each watering.
- 6). Thin the seedlings when they're 2 to 3 inches tall. Spacing will depend on the mature size of the annuals. Refer to the seed packet for specific information.
- 7). Spread 2 to 3 inches of mulch such as shredded bark around the annual plants, but don't allow the mulch to cover the plants. Mulch will keep the roots cool, deter weeds and retain soil moisture.
- 8). Pinch 1 to 2 inches from the tops of each stem when the plants are approximately 4 to 6 inches tall. Pinching the stems, even if you pinch off a bloom, will result in bushy, full plants.
- 9). Deadhead wilted or spent blooms by pinching them off. Deadheading the blooms will prevent the annual from going to seed too early and will encourage continued blooming all season.