General Binding Rules
- General binding rules are a set of rules used to control environmental issues in Europe.breaking the rules image by Gina Smith from
General Binding Rules are a group of rules used in Europe that regulate environmental activities and pollution. They are defined as laws, regulations and ordinances that provide direct conditions or minimum standards of actions. These rules often allow for some deviation, but in general, they are very specific and strict. - To control how the cleaning of maritime vessels affects the environment surrounding the places where these are located, a group of general binding rules were specifically created. These rules stipulate that only chemicals approved by the respective authorities can be used to clean vessels, any wastes produced must be properly disposed of, and only certain methods of cleaning are permissible. In vessels coated with ablative paint, only soft sponges can be used. When performing their work, cleaners must only use nets that are properly deployed and secured.
- One of the most common general binding rules is the control of diffuse pollution, which includes the storage and application of fertilizer, the proper cultivation of land, the keeping of livestock, the discharge of water through a surface water drainage system, the proper application of pesticides, the construction and maintenance of certain types of road and track and the operating of sheep-dipping facilities.
- General Binding Rule 10 controls the discharge of surface water runoff from buildings, roads and any buildings under construction by taking a number of steps to ensure that the discharge will not cause pollution in the water environment. The discharge must not contain any water runoff from areas where fuel, oil or chemicals are stored. Any facilities with equipment designed to avert such pollution must be kept in good condition and repaired when necessary.
- General Binding Rule 11 prohibits the disposal of paint, pesticides, detergents, disinfectants and other pollutants into surface water drainage systems, as well as sewage or trade effluent. In construction sites where there are areas in which water drains from exposed soil, the period of time and the amount of exposure must be kept to a minimum - just what is necessary for the construction project.
- The IPPC, International Plant Protection Convention, is an international agreement that helps to protect plant life from harmful pests. The IPPC's objective is mainly to protect plantations from the spread of pests. To obtain its main objectives, the IPPC decided to use a group of common rules for all of the countries involved with the IPPC, and the general binding rules were the set of rules chosen to fulfill the IPPC's purposes.