6 Things You Need to Check Before You Begin Promoting Your Blog
Content Do you have a dozen or so posts published on the blog? You want to have content ready before you start sending traffic to your blog.
They'll need something to read when they land on your blog...
don't just give them a "coming soon" post.
Branding Does your blog theme choice and header graphic express what your blog is about and support your branding? Make sure your theme conveys the right style and feel.
Your blog header should include your blog's title and make it obvious what readers will find on your blog.
If you're adding a blog to an existing website, does the design complement your existing website and tie in so readers can tell they're connected? 3.
Contact Is your about page setup and does it include an easy way to get in touch with you? Share a photograph of yourself, and information about your inspiration to blog about the topic you've chosen.
Let your readers in on who you are and why you're blogging.
Offer links to your social networking profiles as well as an easy to use contact form so readers can connect with you in the way they prefer.
Subscriptions Have you setup an easy way for readers to subscribe to your blog with an RSS feed and email delivery option? Your blog probably has an RSS feed built in and just waiting for you to link to it.
You can use FeedBlitz or FeedBurner to deliver your blog by email.
If you use Aweber or GetResponse you can also deliver your blog by email through their services.
Sharing Can readers easily share your posts? Try a plugin like ShareThis, AddtoAny, Sociable or Sexy Bookmarks.
Also look at adding a Facebook like button or Tweet button.
Make it easy for readers to share your posts with their friends and they're more likely to do so.
Email Capture Is your ezine subscription box/offer on every page of your blog? The header or top of your sidebar are good places for it.
Have you given readers a good reason to give you their contact information? Offer a free report, audio file, or other gift in exchange for their subscription.
Be sure you also have a privacy/spam policy noted by your opt-in box to increase confidence.
With these 6 important aspects covered, you're ready to start promoting that blog!