How to Stay Safe In A Tree Truck!
Although it is one of the more dangerous jobs to have, tree work that involves pruning, cutting limbs, and complete removal is a necessary service in most populated areas, important because it can prevent damage and accidents caused by trees growing in tight quarters around homes and their occupants.
The first workers climbed trees to reach the top branches to do any kind of maintenance work; the industry over the decades has progressed to most companies owning at least one bucket truck - and many own more than one.
While crane and knuckle boom trucks have removed a lot of the danger from tree work, there is always some amount of risk present when using vehicles that lift workers into the air.
Though accidents, injuries, and fatalities have been drastically reduced because most services now use boom trucks with buckets, some accidents do still happen.
To reduce the likelihood of encountering a problem while doing tree work, it is important to follow all training precautions at work and adhere to all equipment safety standards.
Accidents will be less likely to happen and severity will be decreased - keeping workers safe in that tree truck!
The first workers climbed trees to reach the top branches to do any kind of maintenance work; the industry over the decades has progressed to most companies owning at least one bucket truck - and many own more than one.
While crane and knuckle boom trucks have removed a lot of the danger from tree work, there is always some amount of risk present when using vehicles that lift workers into the air.
Though accidents, injuries, and fatalities have been drastically reduced because most services now use boom trucks with buckets, some accidents do still happen.
To reduce the likelihood of encountering a problem while doing tree work, it is important to follow all training precautions at work and adhere to all equipment safety standards.
- Safety Gear - A tree truck should never be operated, or even be in close proximity of one when it is being operated, without basic personal protective equipment that consists of: protection for the ear, eyes, and head; steel-toed boots; thick leather gloves; and fluorescent safety vests.
Workers must wear an entire body harness, preferably one with an included lanyard.
Some areas require other specific equipment, so it is important for companies to check to be sure all local safety standards are being followed. - Controlled Work Sites - At most construction sites, no one other than company employees should be near the truck or tree while work is ongoing for safety reasons.
A site manager should close off any area around the vehicle and work area as well as ensure that homeowners and other curious onlookers do not enter the area.
Equipment failures and falling tree parts are impossible to be predicted. - Vehicle Set Up - Ideally, aerial lift trucks should be parked on level, solid ground and be positioned close enough so that the tree can be easily reached; all outriggers should be deployed.
In less than ideal situations, the lift vehicle should never be parked on soft or muddy ground nor on ground with an incline, as it is more feasible for the vehicle to become unbalanced.
Regardless of where and how the truck is parked, operators must know the correct placement of outriggers dependent upon how the vehicle is ultimately positioned. - Work Plan - Each person who will be involved with work at a job site should plan ahead of time what they should do, where they will be located, and what should be done to help maintain a safe work site.
Since the person in the bucket will control it, there is no reason for anyone to be close to the tree and potentially in harm's way should something fall from the tree.
A good work plan should also include a rescue and evacuation plan in case there is an accident. - Utility Line Safety - It is critically important that employees who work from bucket trucks or any other lifting device completely understand the proper procedures when working around live utility wires.
Such knowledge would include knowing how far to be away from any wires, how to get around or above them, and when to go back down to reposition the truck.
Insulated buckets are a plus; however, injuries can still happen to both the worker in the bucket as well as other employees on the ground. - Equipment Maintenance - Not unlike any other equipment, it is essential that tree trucks receive daily inspections and regular preventive maintenance.
The same is true for all safety gear, which should be checked for any damage that could prevent it from properly functioning.
Accidents will be less likely to happen and severity will be decreased - keeping workers safe in that tree truck!