Things to Do Before Your Family Fun Vacation
€ Did You Remember to Lock the Door?
If you're asking your significant other that question, you're obviously going to worry about that the entire time you're on the road or in the air. By the time you make it to your hotel, you'll be convinced that your baseball card collection you've had since you were a kid is gone. You can avoid this anxiety attack by enlisting help from your friends and family. Have a neighbor keep watch over your home and water your plants. If you have pets, make sure that someone is around to walk the dog or change the kitty's litter box.
€ What's that Smell?
One of the most important things that people forget to do before they go on family fun vacations is throwing out foods that will spoil. If you are going away for more than a week, make sure to take a look in your fridge to throw away things that will spoil, mold, or rot. The last thing you want to do is come back home and endure the smell of rotten milk in your kitchen.
€ Unplug Every Cord
A bad thunderstorm could cause more than a little flooding. It could ruin your electronics too. Because the electricity runs through the lines, you should unplug the electronics rather than just turn them off.
€ Keep a Checklist of any Medications
An important thing that you must keep track of is any medication that you and the rest of your family take. Make sure to keep a list and check the amount in each medication to ensure that you have enough for a trip. The last thing you want to do is try to figure out how to get a medication refill thousands of miles from your local pharmacy.