Six Easy and Natural Solutions to Sleeplessness
Once realizing how much sleep deprivation can curse your life, it is probably time to look at some solutions. The most common solution have been mostly to take pills. But many of us prefer not to start a relationship with sleeping pills. There are much better ways to address sleeplessness!
Sleeplessness needs to be addressed before you go to sleep at night. Some changes in your evening routine and a few relaxation exercises can change everything - naturally and easily.
Solution 1: Stop overeating before bedtime. Eating a heavy meal can disrupt your ability to fall asleep, or will wake you up shortly after you fall asleep. As a general rule, it will be wise to avoid too many ingredients in a meal and too much food late at night.
Solution 2: Stop fighting. No one likes to be or feel angry, it's just not a great feeling and fighting of course doesn't feel very good either. When we are in this state, we are tense and stirred-up. This does not contribute to quality sleep.
You can decide to resolve your conflict before you get to bed even if it's at the cost of sleeping fewer hours that night. At least you'll sleep better and wake up happier.
Solution 3: Stop watching television. OK, this is a tough one. For most of us, television is inseparable from our evening routine. But have you considered what you are watching and how it can affect your sleep?
With most shows showcasing turmoil and pain, you are allowing this information into your life and the images stay in your head. This creates tension; it can disrupt your dreams or cause some irrational fears.
With less or a better list of television shows, you will find it is easier to fall asleep, stay asleep, and your dreams will not be a replay of horror you watched before you went to bed.
Solution 4: When you wake up in the middle of the night, don't start doing things. We've heard this advice over and over again from leading experts and it makes no sense! What are the chances you will get back to sleep while you are cleaning the kitchen or writing emails?
When you start doing things at night, you are teaching yourself to solve your problems or find distractions to your problems in the middle of the night. It becomes a habit and instead of learning to let go and fall asleep, you are adding fuel to your fire.
Solution 5: Relaxation techniques. There are many relaxation techniques available. You can do them yourself or find an MP3 with guided exercises and music. You can easily find a progressive relaxation exercise, self-hypnosis and meditation recordings. These techniques are designed to calm the mind and the body so you can disconnect from all the day's stress and get to sleep
Solution 6: Breathing exercise. Lay down in bed and placed both hands on your abdomen. As you breathe in, just before you have reached the peak of your inhalation you lightly pressed the palms of your hands onto your abdomen. Hold on the count of three, and then exhale slowly. You do this for three cycles.
Use any of these or any combination of these solutions to find your natural and healthy path to great sleep nightly.
Sleeplessness needs to be addressed before you go to sleep at night. Some changes in your evening routine and a few relaxation exercises can change everything - naturally and easily.
Solution 1: Stop overeating before bedtime. Eating a heavy meal can disrupt your ability to fall asleep, or will wake you up shortly after you fall asleep. As a general rule, it will be wise to avoid too many ingredients in a meal and too much food late at night.
Solution 2: Stop fighting. No one likes to be or feel angry, it's just not a great feeling and fighting of course doesn't feel very good either. When we are in this state, we are tense and stirred-up. This does not contribute to quality sleep.
You can decide to resolve your conflict before you get to bed even if it's at the cost of sleeping fewer hours that night. At least you'll sleep better and wake up happier.
Solution 3: Stop watching television. OK, this is a tough one. For most of us, television is inseparable from our evening routine. But have you considered what you are watching and how it can affect your sleep?
With most shows showcasing turmoil and pain, you are allowing this information into your life and the images stay in your head. This creates tension; it can disrupt your dreams or cause some irrational fears.
With less or a better list of television shows, you will find it is easier to fall asleep, stay asleep, and your dreams will not be a replay of horror you watched before you went to bed.
Solution 4: When you wake up in the middle of the night, don't start doing things. We've heard this advice over and over again from leading experts and it makes no sense! What are the chances you will get back to sleep while you are cleaning the kitchen or writing emails?
When you start doing things at night, you are teaching yourself to solve your problems or find distractions to your problems in the middle of the night. It becomes a habit and instead of learning to let go and fall asleep, you are adding fuel to your fire.
Solution 5: Relaxation techniques. There are many relaxation techniques available. You can do them yourself or find an MP3 with guided exercises and music. You can easily find a progressive relaxation exercise, self-hypnosis and meditation recordings. These techniques are designed to calm the mind and the body so you can disconnect from all the day's stress and get to sleep
Solution 6: Breathing exercise. Lay down in bed and placed both hands on your abdomen. As you breathe in, just before you have reached the peak of your inhalation you lightly pressed the palms of your hands onto your abdomen. Hold on the count of three, and then exhale slowly. You do this for three cycles.
Use any of these or any combination of these solutions to find your natural and healthy path to great sleep nightly.