The Facts About Uterus Infertility
(Ages 15-44 is considered childbearing age.
) The truth is though that even if a woman has uterine issues, she still may can conceive and carry a pregnancy with no problems.
So the known presence of uterine problems doesn't always end with infertility.
Some uterine issues may allow for conception to occur, but may cause problems in the pregnancy and could cause miscarriage or preterm labor and premature birth.
Issues like fibroid tumors or mis-shaped uterus could cause problems with the pregnancy.
Below are the different issues that could cause uterus infertility.
Asherman's Syndrome are intrauterine adhesions or scar tissue inside the uterus.
The symptoms of this condition are possibly the absence of the menstrual bleeding.
They can hinder conception and if implantation does happen they increase the risk of having a miscarriage.
Some adhesions are results of previous surgeries or D&C's (done when the uterus needs to be "scraped" out).
Congenital means that the problem existed from birth.
Congenital problems with the uterus are an under-developed uterus called hypoplastic uterus.
Sometimes the uterus will be misshaped into these: A birconuate which means two-horned uterus, a unicornuate means a half uterus and the last one is called a uterine septum.
This last one is the most common and has the highest rate of recurrent miscarriages.
The endometrial lining can be either too thick or too thin.
Both will hinder a successful implantation and ability to carry the pregnancy to term.
A normal lining is about 8-12 mm in thickness at around day 10 to 12 of the luteal phase (the time from ovulation to menstruation).
Anything above or below that is considered to be not good.
Fibroid tumors are not cancer tumor, they are fibrous growths within the uterus.
Many women beyond menopause have these, so they are fairly common.
Fibroids don't always cause problems with fertility.
Many women can conceive and carry a pregnancy just fine with them.
But if they grow too large and take up more of the uterine cavity, it can impair a pregnancy and cause a miscarriage or preterm labor and possibly premature birth.
Fibroids that grow too close to the fallopian tubes and ovaries can displace them, making it impossible for sperm to reach them or for a fertilized egg to be able to float on down and into the uterine cavity.
They can also interrupt the implantation process.
The last of the different types of uterus issues are uterine polyps.
These are fairly common.
They are small growths that appear to hang or dangle within the uterine cavity.
They can hinder conception by acting like an IUD and cause the fertilized egg to be expelled with the monthly bleeding cycle - instead of allowing it to implant.