What is the Freezing Method to Kill Bed Bugs?
- To get rid of bed bugs from your clothing and bedding, soak them in extremely cold water. You should add ice to lower the temperature even more. Bed bugs cannot survive in extremely cold water.
- During the winter months, place your bedding and clothing outside in the very cold air to get rid of bed bugs. You should also place your mattress and bed frame outside overnight to help kill off bed bugs in the cold winter air.
- Put your bedding and clothing in the freezer if you can to help get rid of bed bugs. Placing them in the freezer for up to a week can work to eliminate them. Using an industrial freezer can work great for your mattress and bed frame.
- Keep your air conditioner at its lowest setting to help kill bed bugs. The temperature may not get cold enough to kill them off completely but it can help prevent any egg laying. Bed bugs cannot produce eggs at 55 degrees Fahrenheit or below.
- The Cryonite system has been used in European countries for years to freeze bed bugs and kill them. It uses the cooling properties of liquid carbon dioxide to freeze bed bugs to death. In this system, the liquid carbon dioxide is transformed into very cold, dry snow. The machine sprays carbon dioxide snow at -100 degrees Fahrenheit. The carbon dioxide snow is not poisonous and leaves no residues. It is non-chemical and leaves no risk of contamination.