Some Crime Statistics
Moreover, societies have to devote resources to fighting crime.
Some countries have small budgets, while others have very large budgets.
The United States has a very large budget to fighting crime.
Moreover, there are a number of non-law enforcement entities that help fight crime.
For example, public watchdog groups, advocacy organizations, and the courts also help hinder crime.
In 2007, the United States was an impressive reduction in crime.
Although addressing why that reduction occurred is important, simply looking at the statistics will reveal that the decrease in crime rates was notable.
Compared to the first half of 2006, the first half of 2007 in the United States saw rather large decreases in crime.
Nationwide, violence fell 1.
8% and property crime fell 2.
Moreover, in every one of the four regions in the U.
violence crime in every category fell.
- murder dropped 1.
1% - rape dropped 6.
1% - robbery 1.
2% - assault 1.
- murder rates fell 6.
5% - rape fell 14.
2% - robbery 4.
3% - assault 3.
- burglary rates dropped by 1.
3% - larceny-theft fell 2.
1% - motor vehicle theft fell by 7.
Clearly, the United States has met with notable success in reducing crime.
But unsurprisingly, some crime has not decreased but has in fact jumped.
- In non-metropolitan cities and cities that have between 10,000 and 24,000 residents, violent crime jumped 1.
Essentially, rural areas saw slight increase in crime. - In metropolitan counties, cities with 50,000 to 99,999 residents, and non-metropolitan counties, murder rates jumped.
- Burglary rates jumped 3.
5% in in metropolitan cities. - The South saw a 0.
4% increase in property crimes.
doing right, and what can be improved? What works and what does not? Those questions are difficult to answer and need to be answered (or attempted to be answered) by professional researchers.
Reductions or increases can be linked to a variety of factors.
Rarely can they be linked to only one factor.
Crime statistics show that the United States crime, while definitely being address in the United States, still can have more resources and attention to devoted to it.
Crimes will occur, and people will be charged.