Chin Acne Cures You Can Find Around Your Home Today
This is because each and every one of us has different skin and this makes it all the more difficult to obtain a suitable treatment for you exact problem.
A lot of people still don't realize that there are a number of chin acne cures and techniques that you can find around your home and put to action today.
Below we have listed a few options that we think will help you rid alleviate your acne problem.
- Cucumbers - Just get yourself a normal cucumber and blitz it in your blender until it becomes like a paste.
Pour out the cucumber paste into a bowl and then apply the mixture to the chin.
Leave it there for approx 30mins, once the time is up rinse of the mixture and let its natural chin acne prevention properties get to work - Aloe Vera - The all curing Aloe Vera plant is also a great item to have in your armory when it comes to battling chin acne.
Just take the juice from the plant and apply it to the affected area - Egg White - Some people swear by this, the method involves applying the egg white to the acne for about 20 minutes.
It seems a little wild but we suggest trying it for a day or two and see if you get the results others have - Fruit& Vegetables - A no brainer really, all the goodness and nutrients in vegetables and fruit help your skin stay lively and clear of chin acne.
Try mixing up an apple, cucumber and some yoghurt in a blender and then apply this straight onto the acne.
Leave it there for about 15 minutes and rinse the area with luke warm water. - Garlic - Get yourself a garlic bulb, peel it and rub the garlic onto the chin acne, it may not be the most pleasant of smells or cures but is known widely to be a great alleviator of acne problems and pimples
The main advice we would give is to try one or two of them and see if you get the desired results.
As we said each individuals skin type is different so what works for one may need to be tweaked for another.