Holiday Home Services
It has been suggested that out of town buyers who purchase property for holiday homes are artificially inflating the prices of property, thus pricing less well off locals out of the market.
but is this true in all cases?.
I live in small village near to the popular tourist coastal town of Southwold in Suffolk.
Each time I visit the town it has been bustling with people, enjoying the beach and shops.
much more so than a town of that size would normally suggest.
Tourists by their very nature spend more on going out, eating out and shopping, this is good for the local traders.
A town like Southwold has very little industry other than tourism, so would it support local people if holiday makers did not come?.
Or would it slowly slide into a neglected, run down pass through town?.
what would happen to the plethora of independent traders that currently enjoy the income from the well heeled visitors, would Southwold succumb to the supermarket giants? This would apply to many of the delightful tourist villages in Suffolk and Norfolk If you own a second/holiday home, how do you have the best possible impact on the locality? Firstly, make sure you have maximum occupancy, offer winter break deals or use it yourself during low season.
Secondly, employ local people and local companies to carry out work on the property and to manage and maintain it for you.
Thirdly, Invest in the property, keep it maintained to a high standard thus ensuring that when visitors come, they will recommend Southwold as the destination of choice.