The years of Pilgrimage
Fourscore years, is ten years beyond the term of man's life, and a good man that God has sustained will reckon it to be a very great age, and would rather go to be at peace with the Lord, than to be a burden to others. Before crossing over, grace will teach us dignity and duty, for the hoary head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the place of righteousness.
In sorrow there is healing
In memory of love ones who have died, we cherished their memories, when they have gone we feel deep remorse. But loving them will always keep their deeds in our minds, and the things they have done, which means so much to others will never fade away. They will seemed just like yesterday, and will have an impact on the next generation.
Barzillai was a very aged man, eighty years old. He had provided the king with food while he stayed at Mahanaim, for he was a very wealthy man. 2 Samuel 19:32
Who knows what the future holds? While we are growing old, the shadow of our lives is pasting unto the next generation, and our final days are spent as a tale that will be told among the nations. Heroic adventures, disappointment and victories were won and lost. They will be some of the deeds that history will recall of us, in the way we have chosen to live, so be the attributes we gave. Some of the memories will pass by as a breeze in the air, while others will be reminiscent of years we serve an organization.
The years of pilgrimage is a long journey in search of the purpose for existence
Looking back over his life, as he came before pharaoh, crouching with difficulty upon his bended knees, with the bitter pain of reminder still tattooed within his flesh, and no doubt the encounter with his brother has never been too far from his mind, along with the intrigues and drama, toil and snares. But years of his pilgrimage was unkind to him, and at the stage of his life, when he began to grow old, and had finally seen the son, he thought he had lost, turned out to be the Prime Minister Egypt. Jacob could only speak the truth.
Some may not get much in earthly compensation, but in heaven, they will hear the lord say unto them, well done, you good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your lord. Matthew 25:21
Have you felt that the years of your pilgrimages has not been kind to you as they appeared to be for others? Lying down in a puddle of tears, waiting for the day when nature will bring a ray of sunshine into your life, overwhelm by the darkness that soon will past, you may have felt afraid, and have miss used the treasures that God allowed you to have, or simply gave it away and afterwards regretted the decision, but the moment had past, the opportunity gone and the arrow has flown.
Jacob said. "My years have turned out to be few and unpleasant, but I haven't yet reached the age my ancestors did during their travels on earth". Genesis 47:9
Every man must learn to dwell on earth, before they can live in heaven, and learn to enjoy the journey with God, and he will teach us the purpose of our lives, not by taking unnecessary risks or by casting lots, but by faith we will hear the call of destiny, and seize the chance to come as we are. Our lives are like a tale that is told, the call of destiny brings a person out from the crowd, and the days of our years, seemed less than those that were given to our progenitors.
When Jacob is finally reunited with his son Joseph, whom he loved and had given him a coat of many colors, but Joseph brothers had betrayed him, and had told their father Jacob that he was dead. Hearing the news of his Joseph death, age came upon Jacob sooner than it did for his fathers. They seemed like just a few days, and they were evil and full of trouble.
Human beings born by women are short-lived and full of trouble. Job14:1
Life is a fleeting futility created in all humanity, from the day we come forth from the womb we will experience trouble and sorrow and end our days in shame, and all our work is grief and pain, even at night, when we should be sleeping, this too is meaningless. The few days we have are almost over, in them we look for a moment's joy but they are short-lived and full of turmoil.
The gravity of old age was drawing Jacob to his destiny, he acted as a man who express gratitude to those who had gone on before him, and called his life a journey on pilgrimage, sojourning as a stranger in a foreign country, it was not uncommon to read that his treasure were laid up in heaven, where thieves cannot break through and steal. We will be amazed at the recompense being so far beyond the rewards on earth. There will be unspeakable joy when the saints shall be called to inherit the earth.
Yasher 55:13 And Jacob said unto Judah, Who is that man whom I see in the camp of Egypt dressed in kingly robes with a very red garment upon him and a royal crown upon his head, who has alighted from his chariot and is coming toward us? And Judah answered his father, saying, He is thy son Joseph the king; and Jacob rejoiced in seeing the glory of his son. Jacob finally realize that the provision he was receiving was from God.
After the clouds, has carried away grief and sorrows, after the winter bleeds the inward tears, after the shower of the silent language. After the darkness conceal the pain that tightly knits our hearts together, hope unravels the pieces of cloth when the fabric of life unweave a chorus bidding all good night. Changeable things will change to the comfort of sweet embrace, and we will exchange this frail cottage for a glorious mansion.
In sorrow there is healing
In memory of love ones who have died, we cherished their memories, when they have gone we feel deep remorse. But loving them will always keep their deeds in our minds, and the things they have done, which means so much to others will never fade away. They will seemed just like yesterday, and will have an impact on the next generation.
Barzillai was a very aged man, eighty years old. He had provided the king with food while he stayed at Mahanaim, for he was a very wealthy man. 2 Samuel 19:32
Who knows what the future holds? While we are growing old, the shadow of our lives is pasting unto the next generation, and our final days are spent as a tale that will be told among the nations. Heroic adventures, disappointment and victories were won and lost. They will be some of the deeds that history will recall of us, in the way we have chosen to live, so be the attributes we gave. Some of the memories will pass by as a breeze in the air, while others will be reminiscent of years we serve an organization.
The years of pilgrimage is a long journey in search of the purpose for existence
Looking back over his life, as he came before pharaoh, crouching with difficulty upon his bended knees, with the bitter pain of reminder still tattooed within his flesh, and no doubt the encounter with his brother has never been too far from his mind, along with the intrigues and drama, toil and snares. But years of his pilgrimage was unkind to him, and at the stage of his life, when he began to grow old, and had finally seen the son, he thought he had lost, turned out to be the Prime Minister Egypt. Jacob could only speak the truth.
Some may not get much in earthly compensation, but in heaven, they will hear the lord say unto them, well done, you good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your lord. Matthew 25:21
Have you felt that the years of your pilgrimages has not been kind to you as they appeared to be for others? Lying down in a puddle of tears, waiting for the day when nature will bring a ray of sunshine into your life, overwhelm by the darkness that soon will past, you may have felt afraid, and have miss used the treasures that God allowed you to have, or simply gave it away and afterwards regretted the decision, but the moment had past, the opportunity gone and the arrow has flown.
Jacob said. "My years have turned out to be few and unpleasant, but I haven't yet reached the age my ancestors did during their travels on earth". Genesis 47:9
Every man must learn to dwell on earth, before they can live in heaven, and learn to enjoy the journey with God, and he will teach us the purpose of our lives, not by taking unnecessary risks or by casting lots, but by faith we will hear the call of destiny, and seize the chance to come as we are. Our lives are like a tale that is told, the call of destiny brings a person out from the crowd, and the days of our years, seemed less than those that were given to our progenitors.
When Jacob is finally reunited with his son Joseph, whom he loved and had given him a coat of many colors, but Joseph brothers had betrayed him, and had told their father Jacob that he was dead. Hearing the news of his Joseph death, age came upon Jacob sooner than it did for his fathers. They seemed like just a few days, and they were evil and full of trouble.
Human beings born by women are short-lived and full of trouble. Job14:1
Life is a fleeting futility created in all humanity, from the day we come forth from the womb we will experience trouble and sorrow and end our days in shame, and all our work is grief and pain, even at night, when we should be sleeping, this too is meaningless. The few days we have are almost over, in them we look for a moment's joy but they are short-lived and full of turmoil.
The gravity of old age was drawing Jacob to his destiny, he acted as a man who express gratitude to those who had gone on before him, and called his life a journey on pilgrimage, sojourning as a stranger in a foreign country, it was not uncommon to read that his treasure were laid up in heaven, where thieves cannot break through and steal. We will be amazed at the recompense being so far beyond the rewards on earth. There will be unspeakable joy when the saints shall be called to inherit the earth.
Yasher 55:13 And Jacob said unto Judah, Who is that man whom I see in the camp of Egypt dressed in kingly robes with a very red garment upon him and a royal crown upon his head, who has alighted from his chariot and is coming toward us? And Judah answered his father, saying, He is thy son Joseph the king; and Jacob rejoiced in seeing the glory of his son. Jacob finally realize that the provision he was receiving was from God.
After the clouds, has carried away grief and sorrows, after the winter bleeds the inward tears, after the shower of the silent language. After the darkness conceal the pain that tightly knits our hearts together, hope unravels the pieces of cloth when the fabric of life unweave a chorus bidding all good night. Changeable things will change to the comfort of sweet embrace, and we will exchange this frail cottage for a glorious mansion.