How to Clean Your Bathroom and Kitchen Using Homemade Ingredients
However, most people also fear the fact that these cleaners may contain chemicals that can be harmful to pets and especially kids.
Here are some tips to clean these rooms using homemade ingredients.
For cleaning the bathroom you can use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to form a think paste.
Vinegar is a slight antiseptic and research has proven that it can kill up to 80% of bacteria and it will prevent mold growth.
Baking soda on the other hand is an alkaline and can absorb foul odors effectively.
For drains, pour a handful of baking soda and a cup of white vinegar.
After that, cover the drains with your hands or lid until the solution bubbles.
As soon as it bubbles, pour hot water into the drain.
This should be done once a week.
For the kitchen, there are certain parts of the room that are hard to clean.
To remove the greasy stains and food material from the floor, the first thing you have to do is to sweep the floor to remove any loose materials.
You then have to sprinkle liberal amounts of baking soda and vinegar onto the floor.
Leave it for a couple of hours or overnight to let the baking soda do its job.
By then, the grease should be soft enough to remove using a mop.
If not, a metal scraper will do the trick.
For stove tops, countertops and the fridge, dip a moist sponge in baking soda and use it to clean these areas.
Not only are these materials safe and non-toxic for cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, it is also very economical and very easy to use.