Do You Have the Attitude to Work from Home Successfully?
Most people think that working at home is the answer to the pitfalls of working out in the public. Transportation costs are cut down can have more free time, with little to no stress and no boss breathing over the shoulder. Sounds good doesn't it? The answer to all ones prayers… FREEDOM!
Working from home can be all these things to the right person. It takes a special personality with the right attitude and skill to pull off working at home successfully. Not only are there specific skills, temperament and personality, there is also the need for the right surroundings to work at home.
Do you have the right surroundings to work from home?
Anyone can say they are going to work at home. Buy a computer or laptop and get to work at the kitchen table. That is not a bad idea, but it is an unrealistic notion about successfully working at home. Having the right space and work at home setting is important to be successful.
Of course the skills and training needed to work at home will depend on a person's career choice. Telecommunications, administrative, marketing etc., are a few of the most popular choices. The ability to continuously learn is essential.
Office space should be a must have. A quiet place where work can be work, and when the day is over, shut the door and go home. This space does not need to be fancy, but you will need to make sure you have the basics and fundamentals.
- Computer or Laptop
- Internet
- Desk/Chair
- Telephone/fax
- Printer
Make sure that the space you choose to be your office is only used for work. This will help keep the right attitude towards work responsibilities and home responsibilities. Planning the office space is easy, finding the right attitude can at times be the hard part.
Do you have THE attitude?
Keep in mind no one can choose our attitude for us. We wake every day with the ability to pick our attitude that we wear. Good or bad it is our decision. When working from home, we need to pick our attitude and be as choosy about it as we would our clothes that we would wear to a regular office. What is your attitude today?
What is an attitude?
According to the Webster's Merriam Dictionary an attitude is: "A mental position with regard to a fact or state. Attitudes reflect a tendency to classify objects and events and to react to them with some consistency." Attitudes are not directly observable but rather are inferred from the objective, evaluative responses a person makes.
Positive Attitude
It takes a special attitude and temperament to work from home successfully. There are many forms of attitude. We choose to be driven, focused, self disciplined, diligent; we must not choose to be negative. We need to be self motivated to be able to do the work without extra supervision. Positive attitude helps make our jobs at home more successful because when we are positive, we also have the ability to overcome other types of negativity. While working at home, we must practice punctuality, organization and mentally prepared to put in a full productive day at work.
Successfully <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/6743037');" href="/links/?u=">working from home</a> is a great way to utilize time if you have the attitude it takes. One of the most important attitude traits is self-discipline. Having self-discipline will help you stay on track with attitude. Attitude can make or break your day. However, working from home is not for everyone. In order to maintain our positive attitude we must maintain self discipline