Article Marketing Technique You Aren" t Using
The fact is that article marketing is unquestionably one of the most popular and effective online marketing techniques for generating traffic and building trust, but it is also a important way to build high quality one-way links to your web site. In my own SEO and marketing efforts, article marketing has always been the most important task as for me it brings the most success.
What is the common form of article marketing?
You write an article about 300-650 words long - this depends on the article directory you want to submit the article, then make a resource box with the author bio and link to your site using the keywords you target.
You can find many powerful article directories for example ArticlesBase - which is my favorite - but there are literally thousands where you can submit your articles
Some people have concerns about submitting identical articles and content to more than one article directory, not to mention hundreds of them. This is because of the myth about duplicate content and because some SEO experts have claimed that links from same content do not really count in Google. This could not be farther from the truth. After testing a lot I have realized, the more articles I submit to article directories - no matter if they are the same, the better.
The only negative thing about submitting identical articles to a large number of sites is that the anchor text of the links in your resource box is the same and it really Is not that smart to quickly get 100+ links from article directories with all of them containing the same anchor text. Though this sort of problem can be easily solved by changing the author resource box and with that the anchor text. This little technique has helped me a lot to get the most from article marketing.
Personally, I use article submitter software to speed the article submission process as it is really time consuming. On top of that, my article submitter software not only takes care of the submission process, but enables to "spin" my resource box as I can enter more than one option. In this way, I can submit various versions of my resource box, without modifying the article itself.
What is the common form of article marketing?
You write an article about 300-650 words long - this depends on the article directory you want to submit the article, then make a resource box with the author bio and link to your site using the keywords you target.
You can find many powerful article directories for example ArticlesBase - which is my favorite - but there are literally thousands where you can submit your articles
Some people have concerns about submitting identical articles and content to more than one article directory, not to mention hundreds of them. This is because of the myth about duplicate content and because some SEO experts have claimed that links from same content do not really count in Google. This could not be farther from the truth. After testing a lot I have realized, the more articles I submit to article directories - no matter if they are the same, the better.
The only negative thing about submitting identical articles to a large number of sites is that the anchor text of the links in your resource box is the same and it really Is not that smart to quickly get 100+ links from article directories with all of them containing the same anchor text. Though this sort of problem can be easily solved by changing the author resource box and with that the anchor text. This little technique has helped me a lot to get the most from article marketing.
Personally, I use article submitter software to speed the article submission process as it is really time consuming. On top of that, my article submitter software not only takes care of the submission process, but enables to "spin" my resource box as I can enter more than one option. In this way, I can submit various versions of my resource box, without modifying the article itself.