Healthy Water - Answer To 6 Common Ailments
#1 Headaches
Your first instinct when your head is throbbing is to grab the nearest pain medication. Often a headache is your brain rationing water when you lack it, producing histamines. What seems counter-intuitive, pain medications (i.e. antihistamines) are merely telling your brain to "shut up", not to mention producing side-effects. A glass of healthy water can relieve pain faster and cheaper.
#2 Depression/Anxiety
When you become dehydrated, even slightly, your brain cannot give the energy you need, producing that "run down feeling". There is a possibility that on the subconscious level your body considers the lack of water a threat to its survival, thereby increasing the anxiety within. While dehydration is not always the cause for these ailments, water can only help, especially when accompanying common anti-depressants with constipation as a side-effect.
#3 Back Pain
Everyday you put a lot of pressure on your spine, anywhere from sitting at work or standing long-term. When you lack fluids in your system, the spinal discs in the vertebrate cannot absorb the pressure put on the back. These tiny discs hydrate themselves with water, of which bears much of the burden you place on your back. In addition to drinking healthy water, practicing some flex movements of the spine will also prevent and alleviate most back pain.
#4 Arthritis
For similar reasons as that of back pain, arthritis can develop from your joints failing to be properly lubricated. When joints rub together they utilize water within to prevent friction. Without proper hydration joints become dry and inflamed, causing arthritis and other joint-related ailments; in addition, their pain can make movement unbearable, thereby exacerbating the friction and lack of lubrication.
#5 Hypertension
Water makes up 80% of your blood; when you don't get enough of it blood loses its "robustness". When this happens some of your vessels restrict themselves increasing the risk of hypertension. Caffeinated beverages add insult to injury by further constricting blood flow further as well as dehydrating you. Pouring yourself some clean, healthy water is not only refreshing, it will lower your tension.
#6 Asthma
Asthma is the result of mucus build-up inside the lungs. If lungs are not kept hydrated, the body will use histamines, or mucus, as an alternate to keep the lungs from becoming dry. In addition, extra consideration must be given to the water consumed, as many added chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride can increase the risk of an asthma attack.
Keeping Water Clean & Contaminant Free
Common ailments, such as above, cannot be remedied with just any water, but only with healthy clean water, contaminant-free and preserving the natural minerals your body needs. Various chemicals and metals having leaked into the water systems (even some in bottled water) can have serious long-term effects on your body, such as liver & kidney damage, and cancer. A good home water filtration system may be the answer, as it will remove most harmful substances while preserving natural minerals within the water.
Your goal? Keep yourself hydrated with healthy water and take proper steps in keeping it clean and pure. Water is the foundation for life; let it serve its purpose to heal and refresh you inside out.
Matthew Renner is an ardent advocate of healthy living and researcher on water purifiers. His site is and discover which purifiers are recommended, after careful comparison, for the purest, cleanest water.