Caterpillar Crafts for Kindergarten
- Have students draw pictures of caterpillars on construction paper, and then cut out each of the pictures. Explain how caterpillars turn into butterflies, and have the students create butterflies to add to their mobiles. Then they will tape the pieces to string and attach the string to a paper plate. Have them put one string on the top of the plate to hold up the mobile.
- Strengthen interdisciplinary connections between art and English by incorporating reading activities. Have students color and cut out a large letter "C," and glue it to a piece of construction paper next to a picture of a caterpillar they have drawn.
Before reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to kindergartners, work with them to create caterpillar sock puppets. Have them glue wiggly eyes and a mouth made out of felt onto a green sock. Create pieces of food out of felt for the sock puppet caterpillars and pretend they are eating. As you read the story to the children, ask them to act out the tale with their sock puppets. - Engage students in simple craft projects to build a caterpillar. Give the students five circles cut out of construction paper and have them glue the circles together to form a caterpillar. They should draw on eyes, mouth and antennae. Another option is to have them glue pom-poms or colored cotton balls onto a craft stick. Wiggly eyes and pipe cleaner antennae complete the look. Glue magnets onto their creations and hang them around the room.
- Have the students create simple costumes out of poster board or felt for an in-class play about the day in the life of a caterpillar. They can make props as well, such as leaves or twigs out of construction paper. Hand out blank bookmarks to each student and ask them to draw a picture of a caterpillar on it. They will use the bookmarks while you read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" as a group.