Health Insurance Maternity Coverage And Federal Health Insurance
The health care law changes of 2010 which promised removal of pre-existing condition clauses on insurance policies, including pregnancy, are slowly kicking in. However, many changes will not be implemented until 2014 when the final deadline for the implementation of the new health care law is due.
So what is a young couple to do? Let's take a look at all the options for health insurance that includes pregnancy that are currently available in this complicated and in-flux health care system in the United States.
Health insurance through employers: This remains the first and the best option for parents-to-be. When the mother-to-be has her own health insurance through work or when the father-to-be includes the mother on his health insurance from a job, this will usually be the most cost-effective solution. There will usually be no pre-existing condition clauses and no related waiting periods with such group plans.
Individual health plans: There exist individual health plans that specifically include maternity coverage, including medical exams, laboratory tests, and delivery. The mother-to-be must make sure to pick such plan and, furthermore, inspect the waiting periods before the plan starts covering any medical expenses related to pregnancy. The waiting periods are usually 18 months.
State health insurance plans for low income citizens: These always cover pregnancy, however, as stated, they have specific upper income limits on the household. These plans have their own rules and timelines, so it would be prodent for an expecting couple to look into their eligibility if the employment or individual insurance options fall through.
Federally mandated coverage for children under 26: Federal mandate requires all employers to accept children to age 26 of their employees into the group plans. If such a group plan includes dependent coverage and includes maternity benefits, then the child under 26 years of age is eligible for maternity services coverage. This is one of the interesting and helpful consequences of the new law and can help some young parents with their pregnancy related costs at least up to the age of 26.
Federal or state-run PCIP plans: Another interesting possiblity for young couples is an application for a PCIP plan, which is now available in all states, but is either run by the individual state or by the federal government on behalf of a state. The PCIP plan is available to anyone who has no employers health insurance, and has been declined individual health insurance due to a pre-existing condition. After a six-month waiting period, a person with a pre-existing condition will be eligible to pregnancy and maternity care, including prenatal care, delivery services, and postpartum care. The PCIP plans are very competitively priced, have relatively low deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums, so they are a great option for people with pre-existing conditions.
These are the main options for a couple to get a health insurance that covers maternity. Due to many options, and sometimes quite long waiting periods, it pays to get informed on time.