How easy it to make a safe room in your home?
Most security experts use the phrase Safe Room rather than Panic Room to describe the concept of having an ultra-secure location within a residence. The concept is simple…prepare a room within the interior of the home where the family can safely retreat during a home invasion or other terrorist threat and summon help.
Think of a safe room as a box with only one opening. You simply fortify the six sides to the box and the single door leading into it. I've seen safe rooms that were built more like a bunker or bank vault with eight-inch concrete walls and a steel door. These elaborate designs were also used to store cash, valuable jewelry, and collections. I've seen others that had reinforced steel sheeting in the walls and equipped with a video monitor, a cellular telephone, and alarm keypad.
Unlike the movie, most safe rooms are merely fortified enough to delay an intruder so an alarm can be activated or call made to summon the police or security. Any homeowner can create such a room with relatively little effort and expense. The most common reason the average person would want a safe room is fear of assault from a home invasion robber or abusive spouse. The most common reason for corporate executives to constuct a safe room is fear of kidnapping for ransom or fear of home invasion robbery.
To make a simple safe room, just select an interior room or large closet with no windows or skylight. Install a solid core wood or steel door and hang it so it opens outwards. Replace the wooden doorjamb with a steel one or reinforce the door trim with steel angle iron to prevent the door from being kicked open. Wood doorjambs are vulnerable, so at minimum install three-inch screws in the door hinges and into a heavy-duty, four-screw, lockstrike plate that will cut deep into the door frame studs. I usually recommend a keyless Grade-1 deadbolt to prevent the keys from falling into the wrong hands, but you must consider that mischievous children might lock themselves inside and you outside.
To complete the room you must stock it with necessary emergency items and a way to summon aid or defend yourself. This includes a cell phone, a flashlight, first aid kit, food, water, and defensive weapons. (Note: I didn't necessarily say guns). With new construction I would pre-wire for an alarm panel, a direct-dial phone in addition to cell phone, an electrical outlet for cell phone charging, and install either chicken wire or steel sheeting underneath the wall and ceiling drywall. I would highly recommend reinforcing the door frame air-gaps or shims to prevent the intruder from spreading or prying around the lock area. Good lighting and ventilation should be considered as well as personal hygiene needs.
Whether you have newly constructed or modified an existing space, the safe room should blend with the rest of the home. I have heard stories of families who had secreted themselves inside their safe room while the house was being ransacked. Fortunately for them, the police were called and were able to capture the burglars before being discovered or damage was done to their home.
Think of a safe room as a box with only one opening. You simply fortify the six sides to the box and the single door leading into it. I've seen safe rooms that were built more like a bunker or bank vault with eight-inch concrete walls and a steel door. These elaborate designs were also used to store cash, valuable jewelry, and collections. I've seen others that had reinforced steel sheeting in the walls and equipped with a video monitor, a cellular telephone, and alarm keypad.
Unlike the movie, most safe rooms are merely fortified enough to delay an intruder so an alarm can be activated or call made to summon the police or security. Any homeowner can create such a room with relatively little effort and expense. The most common reason the average person would want a safe room is fear of assault from a home invasion robber or abusive spouse. The most common reason for corporate executives to constuct a safe room is fear of kidnapping for ransom or fear of home invasion robbery.
To make a simple safe room, just select an interior room or large closet with no windows or skylight. Install a solid core wood or steel door and hang it so it opens outwards. Replace the wooden doorjamb with a steel one or reinforce the door trim with steel angle iron to prevent the door from being kicked open. Wood doorjambs are vulnerable, so at minimum install three-inch screws in the door hinges and into a heavy-duty, four-screw, lockstrike plate that will cut deep into the door frame studs. I usually recommend a keyless Grade-1 deadbolt to prevent the keys from falling into the wrong hands, but you must consider that mischievous children might lock themselves inside and you outside.
To complete the room you must stock it with necessary emergency items and a way to summon aid or defend yourself. This includes a cell phone, a flashlight, first aid kit, food, water, and defensive weapons. (Note: I didn't necessarily say guns). With new construction I would pre-wire for an alarm panel, a direct-dial phone in addition to cell phone, an electrical outlet for cell phone charging, and install either chicken wire or steel sheeting underneath the wall and ceiling drywall. I would highly recommend reinforcing the door frame air-gaps or shims to prevent the intruder from spreading or prying around the lock area. Good lighting and ventilation should be considered as well as personal hygiene needs.
Whether you have newly constructed or modified an existing space, the safe room should blend with the rest of the home. I have heard stories of families who had secreted themselves inside their safe room while the house was being ransacked. Fortunately for them, the police were called and were able to capture the burglars before being discovered or damage was done to their home.