How To Tell That You Have A Yeast Infection
Most do it from a list of symptoms they find on the internet, and others will take the advice from a close friend.
If you think you have a yeast infection or any other vaginal bacterial infection these methods are not the way to diagnose your infection.
This article explains why.
A yeast infection is caused by the Candida Albicans yeast, and it will cause you some discomfort.
Any bacterial infection of the vagina will cause you discomfort, the problem is, most of the symptoms of each infection are the same or very similar.
This is why a self diagnosis for a yeast infection is not a good idea, even if you have suffered from a yeast infection before, and you think you know the symptoms.
You can go online, read a book, or ask a friend for advice just by telling them your symptoms but all these methods should be used as a guide only.
The only person that can tell you if you're suffering from a yeast infection is your doctor.
Your doctor will take a sample of the bacteria from the infected area and then test it to make sure the culture is the Candida Albicans yeast.
Having this examination is intimate, and it can be quite embarrassing for some women.
This embarrassment will be over with a lot sooner than the effects of a wrong self diagnosis.
If you get your self diagnosis wrong and you have another infection such as gonorrhea you can end up with serious complications later.
Women can end up with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
PID can cause permanent damage to your fallopian tubes that can cause infertility and/or cause an ectopic pregnancy.
An ectopic pregnancy is a life threatening condition where the egg grows outside of the uterus.
I think every women would see their doctor first if they knew the risks taken with a self diagnosis.
As you can see, the only way to tell if you have a yeast infection is see your doctor.
It's better to be safe than sorry.