Online Article Submission Sites to Unite the World in a Common Cause
It should be done.
I love my country and most people love their countries too.
My favorite statement is; The United States of America is the Greatest Nation ever created in all the written recorded history of mankind.
I just thought everyone should know that.
Now then, it is also great to see other nations sharing their culture, information, ideas, concepts and business ventures with all of us through their writing and sharing of information on the Internet, which is the greatest communication device ever created in the history of mankind.
Why not set a course to unite the World? In doing so we can learn all the wonderful things that make their countries so great too.
Without this how will the world know? It appears that the United Nations has nothing on at least one of the top online article websites, as that site is practically the UN of online articles for the World.
The participation across the globe shows that the gap is being closed and that the World is moving closer and closer together each and every day.
We live in exciting times indeed.
Joining together in a common cause of online article authoring shows that the differences may not be so great after all.
It is excellent to see that so many others feel the same way about their countries as I do about mine.
The cultural exchange the top Online Article Submission website is a testament to the strength of all who belong to the Online Article Author community.
I personally am overwhelmed by it all and look forward to reading the best articles from people of all walks, nationalities and cultures around the World.
Awesome! I hope you like this idea in 2007.