Trees That are Deer Resistant in Western Washington
- Deer avoid ginkgo trees and their distinctive scent.ginko - biloba. medicinal. leaf image by joanna wnuk from
It may surprise you to learn that deer have a sweet tooth. For the home gardener, deer represent a threat to a landscape design. Barriers and repellents can deter deer from foraging on your ornamental trees. However, planting trees that are deer-resistant or unpalatable to deer may be a better long-term solution. Two species of deer are found in the state of Washington, white-tailed deer and mule deer. The species are related and differ in antler structure. According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, mule deer tend to browse on a greater variety of plants. - The black locust is a widely adaptable tree, suitable for any ornamental landscape design. It is found throughout the United States, including western Washington. At maturity, the black locust can reach heights up to 80 feet. It prefers full to partial sun. Deer avoid black locust because of the sharp thorns found where the leaf attaches to the twig.
- The ginkgo is a unusual and ancient tree of the group Gymnosperms, which flourished millions of years ago. It is not native to the United States but is often planted in urban areas as an ornamental tree. The tree is smog tolerant, making it an ideal choice for city plantings. It grows rapidly. Deer will avoid a ginkgo tree because they dislike its taste or odor.
- The northern red oak is a magnificent tree, known for its stunning fall color. It prefers well-drained soils and full sun. The northern red oak grows rapidly, reaching heights up to 60 feet. Although deer will eat acorns, the acorns of the northern red oak are bitter and distasteful to them.
- The sourwood grows to heights up to 30 feet. It is a slow-growing tree that prefers full to partial sun. It is often planted as an ornamental tree in gardens and patios. It is an attractive addition to the garden with showy summer flowers and beautiful fall colors. Deer avoid the sourwood because of its bitter taste.
- The paper birch is found in the central and northern United States, including Washington. It gets its name for the paperlike bark that peels off the central trunk. Deer tend to avoid trees with sticky or feathery foliage. It is perhaps the peeling bark that deters deer. Paper birch is an attractive, fast-growing tree that has great appeal for landscape design. It has a graceful form and attractive white bark.