Symptoms and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Teen Males
The eating disorders can take a toll on the lives of adolescent males. Anorexia, Bulimia, and eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) are common and generally surface during these times in teenagers' lives. Even though there are numerous symptoms, often they are overlooked during the initial stages. Even the parents and friends who have been interacting with these kids regularly may not have realized what they have been going through. Eating Disorders in teen males are not uncommon. It is a myth that eating disorders affect only females.
Societal pressure is one common cause of anorexia and bulimia. This trendy world offers too much importance to a slim figure and toned physique. Eating disorders in adolescent females often stem from the belief that they are overweight. The trigger could have been an unappreciable comment from the member of a family or a friend. Many others who have low self esteem use their eating habits to gain control of some aspect of their life. Unfortunately, these lead to numerous consequences. The immediate signs and symptoms are dizziness, fatigue, weakness, constipation, irritability and trouble sleeping. If ignored, over a period of time, the teenager may develop severe health conditions. Generally people start noticing the following symptoms:
A distorted body image
Skipping most or all meals in the day
Unusual eating patterns
Pre-occupation with body weight
Extreme weight loss
Erosion of tooth enamel
Loss of female reproductive cycle
There are more symptoms than this and yet a lot of adolescents with eating disorders fail to be treated because they are able to hide their anorexia or bulimia from friends and family so well and for long periods of time.
Eating Disorder Treatment for Teens/Adolescents
Treatment for teens/adolescents with eating disorders is not easy, adolescents with eating disorders are already fighting the control others are placing on their lives and to begin recovery many times they must give in completely and admit this illness is destroying them. Eating disorder treatment for teens generally also involves some sort of anxiety component or depression component as well, making the need for additional expertise necessary. Treatment for teens sometimes comes with the need for other medical treatment because eating disorders can cause kidney problems, heart problems and osteopenia, a form of bone loss, often leading to fractures. Adolescents seeking lasting recovery generally will commit to a length of stay at a treatment provider which specializes in treatment of eating disorders and has at least one medical doctor who specializes in these specific illnesses, also this treatment may consist of CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which helps to replace disordered thinking with thoughts that are more appropriate, and DBT which is a newly integrated therapy which teaches mindfulness and has more of an eastern medicine approach. There is one thing most all experts agree upon, treatment for teens with eating disorders works better when done sooner.
Societal pressure is one common cause of anorexia and bulimia. This trendy world offers too much importance to a slim figure and toned physique. Eating disorders in adolescent females often stem from the belief that they are overweight. The trigger could have been an unappreciable comment from the member of a family or a friend. Many others who have low self esteem use their eating habits to gain control of some aspect of their life. Unfortunately, these lead to numerous consequences. The immediate signs and symptoms are dizziness, fatigue, weakness, constipation, irritability and trouble sleeping. If ignored, over a period of time, the teenager may develop severe health conditions. Generally people start noticing the following symptoms:
A distorted body image
Skipping most or all meals in the day
Unusual eating patterns
Pre-occupation with body weight
Extreme weight loss
Erosion of tooth enamel
Loss of female reproductive cycle
There are more symptoms than this and yet a lot of adolescents with eating disorders fail to be treated because they are able to hide their anorexia or bulimia from friends and family so well and for long periods of time.
Eating Disorder Treatment for Teens/Adolescents
Treatment for teens/adolescents with eating disorders is not easy, adolescents with eating disorders are already fighting the control others are placing on their lives and to begin recovery many times they must give in completely and admit this illness is destroying them. Eating disorder treatment for teens generally also involves some sort of anxiety component or depression component as well, making the need for additional expertise necessary. Treatment for teens sometimes comes with the need for other medical treatment because eating disorders can cause kidney problems, heart problems and osteopenia, a form of bone loss, often leading to fractures. Adolescents seeking lasting recovery generally will commit to a length of stay at a treatment provider which specializes in treatment of eating disorders and has at least one medical doctor who specializes in these specific illnesses, also this treatment may consist of CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which helps to replace disordered thinking with thoughts that are more appropriate, and DBT which is a newly integrated therapy which teaches mindfulness and has more of an eastern medicine approach. There is one thing most all experts agree upon, treatment for teens with eating disorders works better when done sooner.