Discover The 2 Things That Attract A Guy To A Girl
What I want to share with you in this article are 2 very simple things that will allow you to attract any guy you want.
And yes, I said ANY guy you want.
So here we go.
The first thing that will attract a guy to a girl is her confidence.
Say this with me.
Confidence is sexy.
Actually it is extremely sexy and no man can resist it.
When a woman steps in the room and she knows she looks good, every mans head will turn.
Don't believe me? Next time you go out on an outing with your friends, walk into the place like you are the baddest female in town and I bet you every man will take notice.
Confidence is the first thing that will attract a guy to you.
The second thing is a girl with a good sense of humor.
Lets face it, guys like to tell corny jokes that just aren't funny most of the time.
But if you can find the funny in it and just laugh anyways, that will go a long ways.
Guys love to feel admired and appreciated.
Laughing at his jokes will make him feel that way.
And I am not saying to be something you are not here.
I am just saying learn how to loosen up and just laugh.
Don't take yourself so seriously.
Its OK to laugh and have a good time every now and then.