How to Make Money With Podcasts
While podcasting used to be just a creative outlet it's now has the potential to be a big money maker, but how? Corporate sponsors are jumping on board with popular podcast shows and paying them to do what they do best, talk about what they feel like.
It's kind of like advertising on the radio but a single podcast show can reach millions across the nation, or world even.
With a radio advertisement, their message will only reach as far as the radio signals will carry it.
Back in the pre-podcast era, corporations would have to buy air time on multiple stations to reach the entire country.
Now they can do it with one podcast.
(Possibly your podcast.
) So how do you create a successful podcast?First of all you need to plan out the content and tone of your podcast.
Will it be just for fun or will it be informative?Pick something you enjoy doing or talking about and go from there.
Podcasting is a quick way to establish yourself as an authority on something.
Make sure you make it interesting though.
Only use your best stuff or people won't feel compelled to subscribe.
No subscribers means no sponsors.
Once you've created your podcast you need to promote it.
Contribute to forums or blogs on the internet.
Note I said contribute.
Do not go into forums and just post a link to your podcast.
You must establish yourself as an authority in the forum before people will trust you enough to check out your podcast.
Only post in forums and blogs that are applicable.
There's no point in promoting your golfing podcast on a cooking site.
Another great way to promote your podcast is video.
It doesn't have to be a fancy video but it does have to give your viewers a reason to want to listen to your podcast.
Give them a teaser of what your podcast will be like.
Leave them wanting to hear more of what you have to say.
Podcasts are relatively new to the scene but they are the next big thing.
If you have a great idea for a podcast show, jump on it and snag those sponsors before someone else does.
So now you don't have to feel bad when your friends find out you stayed home to podcast on Saturday night.
You'll be the one laughing when you've got Microsoft sponsoring your "nerd hobby.