War - It"s the Idea of War That Must Be Fought
Mankind has waged war since the beginning of recorded history.
The purpose has not been the same in every instance.
One nation may simply decide that it wants more power, while another feels that it must raise an army to defend itself against attack.
The reasons are numerous, but in all cases war seems like the only alternative to events that are either real or imagined.
Despite all appearances to the contrary war is not waged because a country feels powerful.
It is waged because it feels powerless.
There are a set of ideas and beliefs that cause a country to go to war, and it is here that war must be challenged.
Wars are caused by people who are convinced that the world is dangerous, and that man, or the nature of man cannot be trusted.
Masses of people also believe that man is naturally combative, and that in order to be safe a country must defend itself from attack, and to constantly be involved in the process of out- thinking the enemy before being attacked first.
Other beliefs about war lurk just below the surface and are rarely challenged.
These beliefs include the idea that killing for the sake of an ideal (or for the greater good) is justified, and that the end justifies the means.
War will only end as a means of solving problems when these ideas and others are "attacked.
" The lesson that must be learned from war is that all life must be revered.
Until this is realized mankind will continue to believe that killing is not a violation in this context.
The purpose has not been the same in every instance.
One nation may simply decide that it wants more power, while another feels that it must raise an army to defend itself against attack.
The reasons are numerous, but in all cases war seems like the only alternative to events that are either real or imagined.
Despite all appearances to the contrary war is not waged because a country feels powerful.
It is waged because it feels powerless.
There are a set of ideas and beliefs that cause a country to go to war, and it is here that war must be challenged.
Wars are caused by people who are convinced that the world is dangerous, and that man, or the nature of man cannot be trusted.
Masses of people also believe that man is naturally combative, and that in order to be safe a country must defend itself from attack, and to constantly be involved in the process of out- thinking the enemy before being attacked first.
Other beliefs about war lurk just below the surface and are rarely challenged.
These beliefs include the idea that killing for the sake of an ideal (or for the greater good) is justified, and that the end justifies the means.
War will only end as a means of solving problems when these ideas and others are "attacked.
" The lesson that must be learned from war is that all life must be revered.
Until this is realized mankind will continue to believe that killing is not a violation in this context.