Ovarian Cyst Symptoms - What Are Ovarian Cyst Symptoms ?
There are many symptoms of ovarian cysts that you must be aware of in order to make sure that you consult a doctor or a specialist as soon as these signs appear in order to have instant treatment. These symptoms are close to the signs that are experienced by the patients of appendicitis and a few other problems too.
The first thing that, if experienced, should make you think of ovarian cysts is the constant dull pain in your lower abdomen at all times, this includes your private region while also including your lower back and you thigh region. If your breasts suddenly become sensitive and it hurts to have intercourse with your partner, be sure to check the doctor as this is also one of the major signs. Pain will also be experienced during your menstrual cycle, mainly right before the starting of your periods and just when they are about to end. Your menstrual cycle will not only become painful but will also become irregular as it may cause hormonal imbalance within the system.
Women with excessive hair, especially in areas where it should not be, are prime candidates of being affected by cysts in ovary. Other pregnancy imitating symptoms may also be experienced. These commonly include nausea feelings at all times, with vomiting and tender body parts also being experienced by many, being accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in your abdomen area, it is not difficult to confuse ovarian cysts with pregnancies. You may also have trouble in the rest room, where relieving yourself can be painful and problematic as you put pressure on your bladder.
There are other symptoms as well, that, if occurring should be treated urgently as they signify urgent medical treatment. These include a sudden pain in your pelvic area, especially near and about your private bone; these pains will be sharp and will come unexpectedly and the patient should be rushed to the nearest hospital in such a scenario. If the patient develops a fever then also she should be taken immediately to a doctor as these symptoms of ovarian cysts are indicators of an emergency, especially if the patient is experiencing vomiting too, this fever and vomiting will also be followed by pain in the ovary region.