Breastfeeding Etiquette While in Mixed Company
Wear the Proper Clothing
During the time you’re nursing your baby, dress in a way that it is easy for you to get baby on the breast. Start off by wearing a nursing bra. Unlike a regular bra, nursing bras are specifically designed for nursing mothers and are equipped with latches or flaps that can easily be opened to expose the nipple. If you know you’re going to be in the company of others, choose an outfit that allows for easy access to the breast. A loose-fitting top works well so you can lift it up from the bottom to feed the baby, and the extra fabric can drape slightly to help cover exposed skin. If you have on a shirt that buttons, unfasten the buttons from the bottom up instead of the top down for less chances of exposing the breast.
Position Baby Properly
Your baby provides a lot of the cover you need while nursing, so properly positioning him while nursing around others can help to lessen your exposure and make people around you feel more comfortable. The hardest part about breastfeeding without offering too much exposure is getting him to latch on, especially for newborns. Turn your back away from the people you are with or leave the room briefly until he latches. If your baby is more accustomed to nursing, the latching may not be such a problem. Position the baby so that he is at breast level for nursing. If necessary, use a diaper bag or jacket on your lap to bring the baby up to breast level. Hold the baby close to your body with his body lying across your mid-section and his head snugly covering your breast. Depending on the type of clothing you’re wearing, you can easily lay the extra fabric from your shirt near his head to help cover up the breast area. A baby sling is another ideal way to breastfeed in mixed company. It provides adequate coverage and allows baby to nurse comfortably.
Keep a Cover Handy
Babies often move around while breastfeeding, so it’s a good idea to always keep a cover handy while you’re in the presence of other people. A blanket, burp cloth or even a light jacket can easily be used to cover up. Drape the item lightly over baby’s head or just keep it nearby in case he pulls off of your breast and leaves you exposed. You can easily grab the cover up and place it over your breast.
Diffuse Uncomfortable Situations
Try as you might to be discreet while breastfeeding, you still may get comments or stares from people nearby. As tempting as it might be to lay into the person who’s questioning your decision to breastfeed your baby in public, there are tasteful ways to handle such situations. You can simply ignore the comment or stare, especially if you’re in public or around strangers, or you can choose to inform the person about the many benefits of breastfeeding for babies. You can empathize with the person, letting them know you understand they’re uncomfortable but this is a choice you’re making for your child and you will not apologize for it.