Spotting the Best Locations for Your Vending Machine: a Guide
How do you know whether the location you have chosen is strategic or not? You must know what other people think- what their habits are, and how they behave. More importantly, you have to understand that impulse buyers contribute to the important quantity of sales of vending machines. People who do not have any specific purpose, intention or need to buy at a given moment are the best customers of vending machines. They buy because they are just driven by their impulse. When their eyes run through the products you have in your vending machine, they just suddenly feel the urge to buy because your products are already there for them- very accessible. Very good examples of impulsive buyers are the children! Just imagine when they run around the mall, and they get attracted of your chocolate or gumball products- they will definitely not stop begging their parents to buy for them. Think about people waiting in a Laundromat for 45 minutes until their laundry is done – they would probably shell out a buck or two for the soda in the vending machine next to them. Where to find impulsive buyers is the basic goal when determining your target locations and target consumers.
First, you have to know that vending machines are good in places where there are an impressive number of walkers and passers by. A place where people walk to and fro because they can easily notice products in your vending machine is a viable location for your vending machine. These places are the leisure and theme parks, shopping malls, subway stations to name a few and very effective items to contain in your vending machine are candies, gumballs, cigars, junk foods, and the like.
Another viable place is where people spend long periods of waiting and hanging out. People who wait get bored and look for something to do or buy. Vending machines are viable to be located in salons, barbershops, car centers, bus terminals, restaurants, Laundromats, train stations, and airports. Effective items to sell in places like these are coffee, cigarettes, soda candy, and newspapers.
Finally vending machines are highly effective to be located where people stop, rest, or wind up like camp areas, train stations, bus stops, motels, fast food chains, or public comfort rooms. Saleable products are bathroom tissue, sanitary napkins, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other bathroom necessities, gum, cigarettes and coffee.
Indeed it takes a lot of research and effort to determine the best vending machine locations in your area. If you don't have the time and are too busy, you may just want to seek assistance from vending locators. They will surely take charge of finding viable locations for your vending machines.