How to Improve Ie7 Performance
- 1). Clear browsing history, cookies, and other cached data. IE7 stores a great deal of information related to the websites you visit in order to optimize the browser's performance during subsequent visits. Cookies and cached data allow websites to remember your login and other information, and can speed the loading of pictures and video that you have already viewed. This information can pile up over time, however, and can cause performance issues.
Click Tools->Delete Browsing History to access the Browsing History menu. Select all the options listed and click "Delete." Perform this task regularly to maximize IE7's performance. - 2). Turn off IE7's phishing filter. Phishing refers to the process of creating fraudulent websites that mimic legitimate Web services for the purpose of obtaining personal information. According to, IE7's built-in phishing detection service has been known to disrupt the browser's speed.
Click Tools->Phishing Filter to access the phishing filter menu, where you can choose to disable automatic website checking. - 3). Disable automatic RSS feed checking. Accessing a large number of RSS feeds through IE7 can disrupt performance, since the automatic check will be performed on each registered feed regularly.
Click Tools->Internet Options->Content->Feeds->Settings to access the Feeds Settings menu. Make sure that all feed options are turned off to ensure the maximum benefit to performance. - 4). Disable ClearType. ClearType is a sub-pixel rendering technique that is used to improve the quality of certain text for LCD flat-panel monitors. If you are not using this type of monitor, disabling ClearType can provide a small boost to performance.
Click Tools->Internet Options->Advanced to access the Advanced Internet Options menu. Scroll down to the Multimedia section, and disable the ClearType option. - 5). Disable the SVVHelper Class plugin. According to, SVVHelper Class is a non-essential portion of the Java plugin that can contribute to degrading performance.
Click Tools->Manage Add-ons- Enable or Disable Add-ons to access the Manage Add-ons menu. Click and highlight "SVVHelper Class" from the list, and select "Disable" at the bottom of the menu. If you find that certain Java-based applications do not run properly after disabling SVVHelper, you can always return to this menu and select "Enable." - 6). Use IE7 in "No Add-ons Mode." You may have unknowingly downloaded third-party add-ons that perform unnecessary functions in the background while you surf the Web. These add-ons may enhance the features of certain websites, but according to they can cause serious performance degradation.
Open the search feature in the Microsoft Windows Start Menu and search for "Internet Explorer." Click the option titled "Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)" to access this feature. - 7). Consult the Microsoft Fix-it Solution Center. Microsoft offers a wealth of free information regarding Internet Explorer related issues. Follow the link at the end of this article to access the solution center.