Fiction Writing Explained
To write fiction is to dream on paper.
What a poetic thought.
But it is not far from the reality of fiction writing.
In few other forms of writing is the author freer to express their imagination and personal ideology than in this "make-believe" realm of work.
There is a distinction, of course, between fiction writing and fairy tales.
While all fairy tales and make believe are fiction, good fiction is just as easily based upon fact.
The mixture of fact and fantasy makes for a good story with parameters in which the readers mind can more easily find and follow the direction of the plot.
Good fiction writing is made up as much of solid reality as it is of self-made myth.
Any fictitious work is a compilation of words.
These words are strung together to form sentences.
Then, the threads of the sentences are woven into paragraphs.
Like any story or plot, there is sequence and a formula that is required as much for the writer as for the reader.
If the plot evolves over a period of time, then a time-line must be followed.
If there are numerous characters, a character map with information on each might be needed just for the author to keep track of them.
Because so much of the story does not exist in factual reference, the author's notes become, in and of themselves, a sort of research material.
And all of this work brings you a story, a fairy tale or a novel about places that may exist and people who might live in them, or maybe animals or talking trees.
The field of fiction writing is not limited by the guidelines of reality.
Still, to succeed in fiction writing, you will need the same basic skills as any writer who employs the word as their craft.
Your spelling should be correct, or at least consistent.
The grammar and punctuation requirements are no less stringent for the fiction writer.
And the continuity or flow of the story, often times, needs to be more finely tuned.
Remember, you are asking the reader to delve into his or her own imagination to follow your lead.
Your words, therefore, must be apt guides.
This allows the reader to follow you through every twist and turn of the tale and arrive at the same ending, which in fiction writing, is not always a happily ever after situation.
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What a poetic thought.
But it is not far from the reality of fiction writing.
In few other forms of writing is the author freer to express their imagination and personal ideology than in this "make-believe" realm of work.
There is a distinction, of course, between fiction writing and fairy tales.
While all fairy tales and make believe are fiction, good fiction is just as easily based upon fact.
The mixture of fact and fantasy makes for a good story with parameters in which the readers mind can more easily find and follow the direction of the plot.
Good fiction writing is made up as much of solid reality as it is of self-made myth.
Any fictitious work is a compilation of words.
These words are strung together to form sentences.
Then, the threads of the sentences are woven into paragraphs.
Like any story or plot, there is sequence and a formula that is required as much for the writer as for the reader.
If the plot evolves over a period of time, then a time-line must be followed.
If there are numerous characters, a character map with information on each might be needed just for the author to keep track of them.
Because so much of the story does not exist in factual reference, the author's notes become, in and of themselves, a sort of research material.
And all of this work brings you a story, a fairy tale or a novel about places that may exist and people who might live in them, or maybe animals or talking trees.
The field of fiction writing is not limited by the guidelines of reality.
Still, to succeed in fiction writing, you will need the same basic skills as any writer who employs the word as their craft.
Your spelling should be correct, or at least consistent.
The grammar and punctuation requirements are no less stringent for the fiction writer.
And the continuity or flow of the story, often times, needs to be more finely tuned.
Remember, you are asking the reader to delve into his or her own imagination to follow your lead.
Your words, therefore, must be apt guides.
This allows the reader to follow you through every twist and turn of the tale and arrive at the same ending, which in fiction writing, is not always a happily ever after situation.
To read more please visit http://www.