Which Plugins Go in Your Niche Blog (and Why)
Most people are niche blogging for reasons such as getting sales for their products or services and to get information to others about what it is they like or have a passion for in life.
After taking the time to build a blog, the task now is to have people come to it.
This is the reason you need to know which plugins go in your niche blog.
Not only does this help you get more traffic to your site, it helps protect the blog as well.
The lists of plugins are endless and sometimes confusing.
You don't need to have every single one of them.
Just a few that will help you get out to the people looking for what it is you are blogging about will be fine.
Let's look at a few to use with WordPress blogs.
All niche blogs need an mp3 player installed when using podcasting as a way of reaching prospects.
Audio player is a great one to use.
It's a highly configurable but simple player to use.
It's very customizable and has automatic features others don't offer.
CommentLuv works well for rewarding commenter's by leaving a link to that persons last blog post URL which will lead more traffic to their site.
This encourages readers to leave a comment.
Google XML Sitemaps will help your site get indexed from the major search engines quicker.
Simple Tags is just what it says, simple tagging of related posts or related tags on that certain subject or keyword.
TweetMeme Retweet Button allows your post to be retweeted on twitter from the person reading it.
TweetMyBlog! Updates twitter on the new post you do at your blog.
Ultimate Plugins Smart Update Pinger this plugin will automatically ping your niche blog to many ping services every time you make a new post.
This lets the search engines find your post faster causing traffic to come in sooner.
This is just a few of the great plugins available.
You can search the WordPress plugins area to find many more that may just suit your needs.