Pay yourself First
Begin with your monthly bills
When you target to pay your monthly bills, the first check you write should be to yourself. Decide on an amount you can commit to for minimum 6 months and without delay pay that "bill" by depositing the money into your brokerage, funds or retirement accounts. You should do this even if you cannot afford it! Afterwards, pay your other bills as usual. If you discover that you don't have sufficient cash to cope up with expenses, just simply write it down the amount you are lacking and then find other ways to raise money like working extra hours, cutting down your expenses several ways like shift to less expensive insurance cover or cancel your newspaper, magazine, journal subscriptions, don't wait just do it.
But that's too tough!
Wondering it is too harsh? Thus, you must ask question from yourself: is the pain of giving up your "incentives" larger than the pain of being in monetary burden? If yes, you have to quit yourself to remaining in the same monetary circumstances for the whole of your life. Indeed if you are habitual of using debt as a means of precede your lifestyle, the dilemma will most likely to grow more and more with time.
If you are able to command your finances it will create a good judgment of empowerment that will reach into every span of life. The liberty you and your family will able to enjoy cannot be expressed in words. It is something you will experience for yourself when you make the decision that being economically self-sufficient and make safe is more important than make an impact on our neighbors with showing them off your new car or other household items.
Respect your words
Once most people have committed to do some thing or saying anything they are alert to keep their pledge. They have no worries, though, untruthful to themselves. In order to be victorious, you must respect your promise. The secret of being a winner of this game is not the sum of money you are investing, but the determination with which you are doing it.