Interesting Facts About Trees
- The oldest living tree is a Great Basin bristlecone pine nicknamed "Methuselah," located in California's White Mountains.
- The tallest trees are coastal redwoods, which grow to a height of over 370 feet. Hyperion, a coastal redwood in Redwood National Park, is listed as the world's tallest tree, at a height of 379.1 feet.
- According to the Food and Agriculture (FAO) of the United Nations, approximately 30 percent of Earth's land surface is covered by forests.
- The lightest wood with the greatest strength comes from the balsa tree. Balsa wood is typically used in the construction of airplane models.
- It is estimated that there are nearly 100,000 different species of trees. The greatest diversity of tree species is found in tropical forests.
- Resources made from trees include paper products, building construction materials, maple syrup, flooring, chewing gum, dyes, natural rubber products, and soap.