What To Look For When Buying a Power Wheelchair
Unfortunately, most people don't have a good understanding of what factors should be considered before purchasing a power chair.
This article hopes to provide the reader with a set of considerations that will insure that the purchase is a good one.
Here are things that should be taken into consideration as a decision is made regarding a purchase of a power wheelchair or similar devise.
- Is the "driver" able to learn new information and remember it so that the chair can be operated safely?
- What physical limitations does the "driver" have that may impact their ability to operate the chair?
- Is there a method to transport the chair from one location to another for community outings?
- What is the battery life of the chair?How long does it take for the chair to recharge if the battery goes dead?If there is a power outage, is there a back-up system available?
- How much help is needed to transfer in and out of the device?
- Can the speed be adjusted to allow for safe manuevers?
- Is the chair height appropriate or can it be adjusted?Once adjusted, does the seat lock in place?
- Is the chair comfortable for long periods of time (i.
is there good back support? Are the footrests in the right location? etc.
)Individuals with history of skin problems need to be particularly careful when making a decision about a device. - Are the controls in an easy-to-reach position?Are they easy to operate?Do they operate smoothly or does the chair jerk at the slightest touch?Can a caregiver operate the chair if necessary while standing next to the chair or behind it?
- How does the chair operate on different surfaces (i.
carpet, tile, grass, sand, snow, etc.
) - How easily can the chair negotiate changes in surfaces such as room thresholds, changes between carpet and tile, etc.
? - How does the chair operate on ramps and inclines?The "driver" should feel safe going up AND down inclines and the chair should move smoothly without hesitation.
- How does the chair operate on wet surfaces?
- Is is easy to turn corners, back up, or move through tight spaces?Elevators are a great place to test for maneuverability.
- Is there total accessibility to every room in the house?Can hallways be negotiated?Is there room to make a complete turn in hallways?If there was an emergency, could the chair be maneuvered quickly and easily to the nearest exit?
- Is it easy to maneuver around the outside the residence, as well as other locations that are visited frequently?
- Can buildings be entered and exited easily with the use of automatic door features?
When all of these factors are taken into consideration, a power wheelchair can be a tremendous asset to someone who can no longer walk comfortably and safely.
There are a number of options in today's market.
Make sure that the "driver" and the "ride" are a good fit!