Get Back at Your Ex in 5 Different Ways!
This is reality and we must face up to it.
It will be stressful, heartbreaking and nerve racking, but it will unfortunately happen to some.
To keep relationships healthy and allow them to flourish you must build up and maintain these fragile bonds.
You may want to get back at your ex because you are really hurt, but is this the best step to take? Some of the best ways to get back at your ex could also cause your ex to see how important you were to them and work in reverse by getting them to want you back.
These 5 ways will certainly get back at your ex, but they will also be excellent ways to get them back.
1 - Close off communication.
Take a break and let your ex stew for awhile.
Let them wonder what you are doing without them.
This is an important step when getting back at your ex or getting your ex back even though your primary focus is to get your ex back.
Your ex will be allowed to clear their mind and realize how important your relationship was to them.
2 - Don't be forceful with your ex.
Let them see how flexible you are by not forcing them out or taking things back right away.
Let them see that you are trying to make things as easy as possible for both of you.
Your ex may be surprised by seeing a side of you that they weren't aware of.
This will open up the lines of communication between both of you and could be the start of something new in the relationship.
3 - Don't seem desperate.
You must stay strong and not let your ex think that you are needy.
Don't beg or cling on the relationship looking like someone who is weak.
Let them think that you are fine and have moved on with your life.
This will make it look like your ex has stayed put and is not moving on like you.
4 - Become a social butterfly.
It is not a good idea to be alone during this time of hurt.
Call your friends and make plans with them.
Get out of the house and begin doing things with others to have some enjoyment in your life.
This doesn't mean that you should be trying to find another or start dating again right away.
You just need to have more social events in your life and spend more time with your friends.
5 - Be the person you once were.
Go back to being the person you were before you met your ex.
Let them see the person they fell in love with in the first place.
Not only will this renew your self confidence, but it will cause this to rub off on your ex as well.