Why Am I Always in a Bad Mood? The Real Reason You"re Always Feeling Irritated Or in a Bad Mood
Are you always irritated or frustrated? Do you ever ask yourself "why am I always in a bad mood?" If so then today I'll reveal to you the real reason you're always feeling this way and what you can do to feel great every day.
I'll also include a couple of tips you can follow that will help you to feel better starting today and kick the bad mood out for good! Tips to Stop a Bad Mood! #1 - Get More Rest! If you're sleep deprived odds are you're going to be in a pretty crappy mood and nothing in the world is going to fix that except for some quality sleep.
Make sure you're sleeping between 10 & 2 so that you optimize your sleeping pattern.
#2 - Stop Eating Garbage! You are what you eat is really more true than you may think, if you eat processed dead food all day it's going to be a struggle to stay optimistic and happy.
On the flip side if you eat whole foods without the added chemicals & colours which are likely causing your mood swings you will immediately notice a change in your personality which requires no work at all! The Real Reason You're Always in a Bad Mood! Were you aware that over 90% of the population has a yeast in their body called candida? Did you know that candida in many people causes a wide range of health problems, anything from fatigue, allergies, anxiety & mood swings to name a just a few.
If you're always feeling irritated but you can't see any reason for it I suggest you try following an anti-candida diet and cleanse.
You'll notice within days life changing effects as this overgrown yeast gets eliminated from the body.
I'll also include a couple of tips you can follow that will help you to feel better starting today and kick the bad mood out for good! Tips to Stop a Bad Mood! #1 - Get More Rest! If you're sleep deprived odds are you're going to be in a pretty crappy mood and nothing in the world is going to fix that except for some quality sleep.
Make sure you're sleeping between 10 & 2 so that you optimize your sleeping pattern.
#2 - Stop Eating Garbage! You are what you eat is really more true than you may think, if you eat processed dead food all day it's going to be a struggle to stay optimistic and happy.
On the flip side if you eat whole foods without the added chemicals & colours which are likely causing your mood swings you will immediately notice a change in your personality which requires no work at all! The Real Reason You're Always in a Bad Mood! Were you aware that over 90% of the population has a yeast in their body called candida? Did you know that candida in many people causes a wide range of health problems, anything from fatigue, allergies, anxiety & mood swings to name a just a few.
If you're always feeling irritated but you can't see any reason for it I suggest you try following an anti-candida diet and cleanse.
You'll notice within days life changing effects as this overgrown yeast gets eliminated from the body.