How Much Do Computer Forensic Scientists Get Paid?
- Figures released by the wage comparison website in December 2010 show the average annual salary for a computer forensic scientist to be between $48,103 and $78,872, depending on any bonuses he may receive. He may also have his salary augmented by additional benefits such as pension contributions and health-care insurance coverage.
- As a forensic computer scientist accrues more experience, his salary level rises accordingly. In December 2010, the average salary of a practitioner with less than a year's experience was $40,337 to $55,321, rising to between $44,536 and $70,723 for an individual working in the field for one to four years. Experience of between five and nine years yielded an average income of $60,185 to $80,649, while 10 to 19 years brought an average of $54,980 to $106,017.
- The annual salary of a computer forensic scientist will also vary according to the nature of his employer. Federal government agencies paid the highest rates, $50,420 to $92,813, as of December 2010. In contrast, individuals employed by government agencies at the state or local level received between $43,887 and $72,759, while those who worked for private firms had an average of $44,219 to $63,077.
- The geographical location in which a computer forensic scientist pursues his career may also impact upon his salary expectations. In December 2010, the District of Columbia had the highest levels of salary -- $50,868 to $106,932, followed by Maryland -- $55,955 to $91,795. Of the states surveyed, New York had the lowest average pay levels -- $36,000 to $65,000.
- The data published by in December 2010 does reveal a discrepancy between the average pay received by a male forensic computer scientist and his female counterpart. The pay of the former is listed as between $49,688 and $82,224 per year, while the latter received an average of $36,174 to $67,273.