Looking For a Home Remedy For Vaginal Yeast Infection?
The itchiness, odor and burning can be intolerable at times.
Most doctors claim that yeast infections are not a serious condition, this statement can be both comforting to hear and at the same time extremely frustrating.
While it is true that a yeast infection by itself isn't that serious, it's more the living with the symptoms that is the pain.
Doctors often prescribe medication to be taken orally plus recommend a tablet to be inserted into your vagina, but there are also alternate methods of treatment available such as a home remedy for vaginal yeast infection.
Let's take a look at how to treat a yeast infection at home.
Eat healthy and find a yeast controlling diet to follow.
Cut out sugars, starches and liquor, which are all yeast friendly substances.
Avoid sexual intercourse while you have a yeast infection.
Partners can pass the infection back and forth between t hem.
Wear clothing that is loose fitting and allows you to breathe.
Cotton underwear is a must have.
Try drugstore medications or doctor prescribed, but also don't be afraid to try home remedy methods as well.
Drug companies have only been around for for 60-70 years, but infections such as yeast infections have been around since the beginning of man kind, and natural methods of healing an infection are proven to work.
Eat yogurt with live L-acidophilus cultures, these are key for keeping yeast under control.
Learning a home remedy for vaginal yeast infection will set you at ease and give you back your life.