Cure Ear Infections Using These Natural Remedies
What Are The Causes of Ear Infection?
Ear infections are more common in babies and younger children because the Eustachian tubes (the narrow passage way that connects the middle ear to the nose) are narrower than an adult or older child's and, therefore, is easily blocked by fluid in the ear. Ear infections are also most likely to occur during a cold.
The swelling of the adenoids is another cause. The adenoids are located in the upper throat near the Eustachian tubes. When the adenoids become infected they become enlarged causing blockage of the Eustachian tubes which can cause infection.
Because the immune systems of small children and babies are not fully developed, they are more susceptible to ear infections.
Children exposed to cigarette smoke or other pollutants are at higher risk to have ear infections.
It is possible that cold air may also be a factor as ear infections occur more frequently in winter.
A cause for recurrent ear infections that may be overlooked is the medications given to your child for ear infections, colds and flues, such as aspirin, decongestants, Tylenol, antibiotics or other drugs.
Another cause may be airborne and food allergies.
Ear Infection Natural Cures
Colloidal Silver -- Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and can be used both internally and externally. You can put one drop of colloidal silver in the ear twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. You may notice improvement in just one hour. If you want to use colloidal silver internally, just follow the instructions on the bottle. It is also available as a spray and can be sprayed into the nostrils to clear up the nasal passages. This can also help the ear infection.
Tea Tree Oil -- You will need to use warm tea tree oil and olive oil. Put five to ten drops of tea tree oil into a tablespoon of olive oil and mix. Using a dropper put 2 to 3 drops in the infected ear twice a day.
Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) -- Buy grapefruit seed extract in liquid form. Put 3-5 drops of GSE in 1 oz. of glycerin or alcohol or both and stir well. Put 1-2 drops in the infected ear 1-2 times daily. Absolutely do not use GSE full strength in the ears as it is too strong.
Boosting the immune system will also help in stopping ear infections from recurring.
Helpful Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Avoid processed or packaged foods. Feed your child a healthy diet with lots of whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, eggs, whole grains, meat, etc.
Healthy fats such as flax seed oil, primrose oil, olive oil, borage seed oil, fish oil, coconut oil and organic butter boost the immune system and improve overall health. Absolutely stay away from hydrogenated oils found in deep fried foods, margarine, vegetable oils, peanut oil and soybean oil.
Your child's diet should be as sugar free as possible. Various studies have shown that sugar suppresses the immune system significantly.
Find out if your child has any food allergies and remove them from their diet.
Keep your child away from cigarette smoke and other air pollutants such as air fresheners and chemically based perfumes, colognes, cleaning supplies, etc.
Most ear infections will heal by themselves and don't usually need antibiotics, but here are some warning signs you should watch out for: a high fever, stiff neck, listlessness and abnormal mental function. Take your child to a doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.