How to Repair Textured Paint With Sandpaper
- 1). Apply a thin and even coating of gel paint stripper to the damaged areas of the textured paint with a paintbrush. Read the manufacturer's guidelines to determine how long the stripper must sit on the wall. Rub the paint scrapper across the paint, checking to see if it comes off easily.
- 2). Scrape the paint scrapper across the wall, peeling away the textured paint. You may need to apply more pressure to get all of the paint away from the wall. Keep scrapping, changing the direction and just gently buffing or pulling off the paint.
- 3). Wipe the walls down with a damp cloth, removing any paint dust or other debris stuck to the surface of the wall. Rub coarse grit sandpaper all over the wall, removing any leftover paint. Wipe the walls down a second time with the damp cloth and rub with fine grit sandpaper, to provide a smooth surface.
- 4). Shake the can of textured paint gently and aim at the walls, holding it at an angle. Press down lightly on the nozzle, making sure it faces the wall. Provide a smooth and even coating of the textured paint, until it matches the surrounding walls.
- 5). Paint the walls with interior house paint, picking a color that matches the original color of the walls. Apply the paint with a paint roller. Go back over the walls with a paintbrush, just to fill in any gaps or areas you missed when you applied the paint with a roller.