Small Penis Solutions - 3 Easy Ways to Getting a Bigger Penis
Since you are reading this article I am going to assume that you are looking for a solution to making your small penis much bigger.
There are a lot of ways to increase your size down below but it can be very confusing and frustrating trying to figure out which one is the right one for you.
To help make your decision a little easy, here are 3 easy ways to increasing the size of your penis.
Fast results, non-permanent Once of the easiest and fastest small penis solutions are the use of a penis pump.
However, let me be very clear about this, I do not recommend using this method all the time as it can lead to actually having a weaker penis.
But if you use it occasionally, it does give you a bigger penis within minutes.
It is important to remember though, that these results will only last for about 30 minutes.
Perception is everything This next way is more about perception than anything else.
It basically works like this, take a man and stand him next to a small child and the man looks very tall.
But if you stand the man next to a tall building, he looks very short.
The same goes for your penis and the pubic hair surrounding it.
The more hair you have the more it covers up your penis and therefore makes it look smaller.
So all you need to do is trim up the hair and your penis will look longer.
This is a great trick that can do wonders for you.
Slower results but better and more permanent If you are want a more permanent solution to your small penis, then starting up a penis exercises routine is one of the best natural methods out there.
Now, I will be honest with you here, it does take time which means you will see the best results after about three months.
But do not get discouraged because these results will last.
In other words, it is a very easy method but you have to keep it up and be patient.
And one of the best things about this method is it does not have to cost you very much at all.
As a matter of fact, you can do it for free if you want to.