Cholesterol Lowering Drugs - "Statins" - Learn How They Work and The Effects They Produce
Cholesterol lowering drugs - commonly called statins - are being prescribed frequently, but the side effects they produce in the body can leave you feeling achy, fatigued, and depressed.
What should you do? If you feel caught between a rock and a hard place, answering the following two questions should help you decide: 'How do statins work?' and 'Are they effective?' Statins work by inhibiting an enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase.
This enzyme works in the liver and is essential for producing cholesterol and another co-enzyme called COQ10.
When HMG-CoA is inhibited, the liver is inhibited, and cannot perform its functions properly - cholesterol and COQ10 levels in the body are both depleted.
To understand what happens when cholesterol levels are reduced, we need to understand the role cholesterol plays in our bodies.
Cholesterol is a substance that is found in every cell membrane, making our cell walls waterproof.
Without sufficient cholesterol, our cell walls become leaky.
Studies have shown that low cholesterol rates yield increased rates of cancer.
That should not be surprising, since cancer begins at the cell level.
Cholesterol is also a repair substance.
It is found in all scar tissue, including the scar tissue that is in your arteries - plaque.
(This fact should help us to realize that cholesterol is a symptom of heart disease, not a cause).
Cholesterol is also needed by our brains for proper brain function.
What am I getting at? Cholesterol is a friend, not a foe.
Creating low levels of cholesterol, inhibiting its normal, necessary functions can be very dangerous to your health.
Statins also interfere with the making of the enzyme COQ10.
COQ10, like cholesterol, is found in our cells, and is vital for the creation of ATP in the mitochondria.
The creation of ATP (energy) is crucial for cell reproduction, cell repair, for the effective messaging and interaction between our cells -ie- our immune system, and for supporting muscle function.
When COQ10 levels are depleted, our muscles can not function properly.
Since the heart is a muscle, it is directly affected when COQ10 is limited.
Though statins are taken to reduce cholesterol levels and thereby increase heart function, indirectly they may decrease heart function by altering COQ10 levels.
It is interesting to note that deaths due to heart failure doubled from 1989-1997.
Statins were introduced to the American public in 1987.
Do statins work? It depends on what you want them to do.
Yes, they lower cholesterol levels.
Do they prevent heart disease? It is evident that heart disease is not on the decline.
This is affirmed by a test done in 1992, in which Dr Ravnskov analyzed 26 controlled cholesterol lowering trials and found an equal number of cardiovascular deaths in both the treatment and the control groups.
1 Are statins effective? They lower cholesterol and COQ10 very effectively, but do not seem to be lowering rates of heart disease.
You need to have the right cause to produce the right effect.
Evidence seems to indicate that factors other than high cholesterol are causing heart disease.
If high cholesterol caused heart disease, then statins would be putting a large dent into the number of heart disease victims --but they're not.
Instead they are causing problems all their own.
I'll be saving that information for future articles...
If you decide to take statins, you should supplement with COQ10, or you will be at risk for very serious side effects, particularly wasting of your muscles.
If you choose not to take statins, there are some very effective natural remedies that can help bring your cholesterol/ triglyceride levels into a normal range, by getting to the source of the problem.
They would be a much wiser investment, in my opinion.
Ravnskov U.
1992;305:15-19 The information in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this article with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.
What should you do? If you feel caught between a rock and a hard place, answering the following two questions should help you decide: 'How do statins work?' and 'Are they effective?' Statins work by inhibiting an enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase.
This enzyme works in the liver and is essential for producing cholesterol and another co-enzyme called COQ10.
When HMG-CoA is inhibited, the liver is inhibited, and cannot perform its functions properly - cholesterol and COQ10 levels in the body are both depleted.
To understand what happens when cholesterol levels are reduced, we need to understand the role cholesterol plays in our bodies.
Cholesterol is a substance that is found in every cell membrane, making our cell walls waterproof.
Without sufficient cholesterol, our cell walls become leaky.
Studies have shown that low cholesterol rates yield increased rates of cancer.
That should not be surprising, since cancer begins at the cell level.
Cholesterol is also a repair substance.
It is found in all scar tissue, including the scar tissue that is in your arteries - plaque.
(This fact should help us to realize that cholesterol is a symptom of heart disease, not a cause).
Cholesterol is also needed by our brains for proper brain function.
What am I getting at? Cholesterol is a friend, not a foe.
Creating low levels of cholesterol, inhibiting its normal, necessary functions can be very dangerous to your health.
Statins also interfere with the making of the enzyme COQ10.
COQ10, like cholesterol, is found in our cells, and is vital for the creation of ATP in the mitochondria.
The creation of ATP (energy) is crucial for cell reproduction, cell repair, for the effective messaging and interaction between our cells -ie- our immune system, and for supporting muscle function.
When COQ10 levels are depleted, our muscles can not function properly.
Since the heart is a muscle, it is directly affected when COQ10 is limited.
Though statins are taken to reduce cholesterol levels and thereby increase heart function, indirectly they may decrease heart function by altering COQ10 levels.
It is interesting to note that deaths due to heart failure doubled from 1989-1997.
Statins were introduced to the American public in 1987.
Do statins work? It depends on what you want them to do.
Yes, they lower cholesterol levels.
Do they prevent heart disease? It is evident that heart disease is not on the decline.
This is affirmed by a test done in 1992, in which Dr Ravnskov analyzed 26 controlled cholesterol lowering trials and found an equal number of cardiovascular deaths in both the treatment and the control groups.
1 Are statins effective? They lower cholesterol and COQ10 very effectively, but do not seem to be lowering rates of heart disease.
You need to have the right cause to produce the right effect.
Evidence seems to indicate that factors other than high cholesterol are causing heart disease.
If high cholesterol caused heart disease, then statins would be putting a large dent into the number of heart disease victims --but they're not.
Instead they are causing problems all their own.
I'll be saving that information for future articles...
If you decide to take statins, you should supplement with COQ10, or you will be at risk for very serious side effects, particularly wasting of your muscles.
If you choose not to take statins, there are some very effective natural remedies that can help bring your cholesterol/ triglyceride levels into a normal range, by getting to the source of the problem.
They would be a much wiser investment, in my opinion.
Ravnskov U.
1992;305:15-19 The information in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this article with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.