How do I Identify Red Hot Pepper Leaves?
- 1). Know what you're looking for in terms of plant height. Understanding the height requirements of hot red peppers will help with leaf identification. Hot pepper plants including red varieties can range in height from 24 to 48 inches.
- 2). Notice if the plant is in an area of the garden or house where it receives full sun. Hot pepper plants need full sun to thrive. Time of year is also important as peppers are usually harvested in the summertime.
- 3). Observe the leaf color. Leaves can be light to dark green depending on the type of hot red pepper.
- 4). Notice the leaf shape and placement. Hot pepper leaves are oval in shape and can hang beside the actual peppers. Larger leaves can be followed by smaller oval leaves further down the shoot. The smaller leaves can sometimes bear resemblance to hot pepper plant in shape.