Clickbank Pirate Review - Avoid The Tough Learning Path In Making Money
Clickbank Pirate' is a program that helps its members to automate the selling process of Clickbank's products. The program claims that you don't have to go through the tough learning path in order to become a master in selling Clickbank's products. But, is this statement true? Let's see how this program works:
-If you don't have the knowledge to create a free report, this program will help by making your visitors turn into subscribers if they want to grab the free report.
-If you don't have the knowledge to create a squeezed page, this program will create one for you (with video in it) so that you can offer your free report to them and convince them to fill in their e-mail address to become your subscribers.
-If you don't have the knowledge to write series of follow up messages for your subscribers, this program will help you use the pre-written messages (with your affiliate links embedded in it) for your list of subscribers.
If you don't have an auto responder to send follow up e-mail messages to your subscribers, don't worry, you don't even need one. This program will send the messages to them on your behalf.
If you don't have the knowledge to drive traffic to your squeezed pages, this program also teaches you the correct method.
Affiliate marketing is a long term process. I feel that you should not ignore the initial learning stage, as you may miss the interesting part of it. The process of learning is interesting, don't you think so?