Organic Baby Food A Big Hit In Scotland
**50% of Scottish Babies fed Organic Baby Food
According to the Scotsman, more than half of Scottish children under two are now fed an exclusively organic diet. In fact, organic baby food accounted for 43% of total baby food sales in 2004. That represented sales of more than 63 million GBP in 2004.
A survey of 805 mothers and pregnant women conducted by the polling company BMRB found that four out of five mothers chose organic food for weaning their young children off of milk (between 6 months and 1 year old). The reasons given were clearly related to additives and chemical spraying. Mothers in the survey cited "less risk of chemical pesticides" (87%), "no additives" (80%), and "no GM" (84%)
Intensive marketing campaigns by groups such as the Soil Association Scotland are getting the message across about the negative effects of pesticides. This is clearly having an impact on the buying preferences of parents, and also on changes in school menus.
Organic milk also has positive health characteristics. It can contain up to 71 per cent more omega 3 than non-organic milk and most organic milk has a better ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 than conventional milk. Companies such as Hipp are bringing new products to market -- such as organic purees for weaning purposes -- to take advantage of the demand.
But adults are not changing their own eating habits nearly as quickly. Asda, a Scottish supermarket chain owned by WalMart, says organic produce for adults accounts for only about 2% of total sales.
**Self-Serve Machines moving in on fast food restaurants
People fond of ridiculing low-paying fast food restaurant jobs will be pleased to hear that many of these jobs will soon be a thing of the past. At least if RoberServer has its way. The company has recently unveiled its new fast food self serve machines called the "Line Buster."
According to RoberServer, the Line Buster will allow customers to place their own orders from a 15" touch screen, and then pay for their order with the onboard credit card processor. Customers then pick up their order at the counter. Industry estimates show that self-serve technologies can cut customer waiting time by as much as 33%.
The company is targeting the 115,000 fast food restaurants in the U.S. Similar technology has already been deployed in ATMs and self-checkout grocery stores.
Would you like fries with your meal?
Would you like fries with your meal?
Would you like fries with your meal?
**FDA says snack makers must show trans fats
The term "trans fats" has become a synonym for "unhealthy". That's because these ingredients hide in most mass produced snacks, cookies, and frozen french fries and then help to clog our arteries and contribute to our obesity.
As of January 1, 2006, the FDA is requiring the labels on packaged snacks and foods to list the amount of trans fats per serving.
Trans fats are an ingredient in nearly 40 percent of packaged foods, and they are suspected of contributing to diabetes, heart disease, strokes and many other unhealthy conditions.
Health researchers have found that trans fats raise the levels of unhealthy cholesterol and lower the levels of beneficial blood cholesterol. They say as little as 2 to 3 grams a day -- less than is contained in a typical donut -- can be detrimental.
Trans fats are common in processed foods because food manufacturers can use cheap liquid oils and turn them into solids by hydrogenation. Most experts agree it is better to use products that have been made with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats such as those found in canola and olive oils.
Simply avoiding processed foods and snacks accomplishes the same thing, since whole, unprocessed foods do not have trans fat additives.
According to the Scotsman, more than half of Scottish children under two are now fed an exclusively organic diet. In fact, organic baby food accounted for 43% of total baby food sales in 2004. That represented sales of more than 63 million GBP in 2004.
A survey of 805 mothers and pregnant women conducted by the polling company BMRB found that four out of five mothers chose organic food for weaning their young children off of milk (between 6 months and 1 year old). The reasons given were clearly related to additives and chemical spraying. Mothers in the survey cited "less risk of chemical pesticides" (87%), "no additives" (80%), and "no GM" (84%)
Intensive marketing campaigns by groups such as the Soil Association Scotland are getting the message across about the negative effects of pesticides. This is clearly having an impact on the buying preferences of parents, and also on changes in school menus.
Organic milk also has positive health characteristics. It can contain up to 71 per cent more omega 3 than non-organic milk and most organic milk has a better ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 than conventional milk. Companies such as Hipp are bringing new products to market -- such as organic purees for weaning purposes -- to take advantage of the demand.
But adults are not changing their own eating habits nearly as quickly. Asda, a Scottish supermarket chain owned by WalMart, says organic produce for adults accounts for only about 2% of total sales.
**Self-Serve Machines moving in on fast food restaurants
People fond of ridiculing low-paying fast food restaurant jobs will be pleased to hear that many of these jobs will soon be a thing of the past. At least if RoberServer has its way. The company has recently unveiled its new fast food self serve machines called the "Line Buster."
According to RoberServer, the Line Buster will allow customers to place their own orders from a 15" touch screen, and then pay for their order with the onboard credit card processor. Customers then pick up their order at the counter. Industry estimates show that self-serve technologies can cut customer waiting time by as much as 33%.
The company is targeting the 115,000 fast food restaurants in the U.S. Similar technology has already been deployed in ATMs and self-checkout grocery stores.
Would you like fries with your meal?
Would you like fries with your meal?
Would you like fries with your meal?
**FDA says snack makers must show trans fats
The term "trans fats" has become a synonym for "unhealthy". That's because these ingredients hide in most mass produced snacks, cookies, and frozen french fries and then help to clog our arteries and contribute to our obesity.
As of January 1, 2006, the FDA is requiring the labels on packaged snacks and foods to list the amount of trans fats per serving.
Trans fats are an ingredient in nearly 40 percent of packaged foods, and they are suspected of contributing to diabetes, heart disease, strokes and many other unhealthy conditions.
Health researchers have found that trans fats raise the levels of unhealthy cholesterol and lower the levels of beneficial blood cholesterol. They say as little as 2 to 3 grams a day -- less than is contained in a typical donut -- can be detrimental.
Trans fats are common in processed foods because food manufacturers can use cheap liquid oils and turn them into solids by hydrogenation. Most experts agree it is better to use products that have been made with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats such as those found in canola and olive oils.
Simply avoiding processed foods and snacks accomplishes the same thing, since whole, unprocessed foods do not have trans fat additives.